sorry if I offended you barry!! I really don't think they are psychos any more than I think I'm a psycho. I was just trying to find a catchy topic title.
7th day psychos!!
by boy@crossroads 26 Replies latest jw friends
Oh and I'm a john cleese fan too!!
Barry, do you know Ross Chadwick?
Boy I thought youre post was great nothing like laughing at youreself. Stef no I dont know Ross Chadwick is he an SDA?
Ill Let you folks on a well kept secret that vegetarian food is great. Im not a vegetarian but whenever I get the chance im in heaven. Well SDAs say they will be vegetarians in heaven so why not start now. Barry
I went to a wwcog (armstrong) church after they went mainstream. It felt a lot like a king hall.
Great sense of humor.
Well SDAs say they will be vegetarians in heaven so why not start now.
A few other things, like breathing air wont be done in heaven, either. He he. They wanna start practising now? Just kidding.
Stef no I dont know Ross Chadwick is he an SDA?
Yes and no. He was the pastor at Wollongong SDA church back in the early 90s when we'd attend the odd service, but he's since seemed to have taken a "vow" of non-denominationalism. He's putting ads in the local rag advertising non-denominational Christian gatherings at various cafes, etc. on Sundays, last I heard.
Stephanus Yes I have heard of him now I think of it my ex wife used to go to his meetings. There are so many different versions of SDA its hard to keep up with them all. Theres a group in Goulburn that dont beleive in going to the doctor because if you have faith God would heal you. But in practice they all go to the doctor also I know one SDA family that wouldnt eat eggs. God knows why not.
7th day psychos is a good title to this thread.
On the other hand many SDAs are trying to be mainstream one star SDA I just forget his name now it could be Black is the head of chaplinsin for the US Navy and has recently been appointed as chaplin for the house of representitives in the US. Hes an Admiral