Just had another Co visit

by codeblue 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sassy

    well you know I know exactly how you feel..........as I have told you when I stopped attending meetings last year, in the beginning it was because I was sick.. I had been gone from the meetings two months and not one phone call..........then my ex husband missed two weeks from being sick and we had a message on our answering machine that said, Robert, we've missed you, hope things are going ok for you.

    yes.. specificially they said HIS name.. and he had been gone two WEEKS.. while I had been gone over two MONTHS

    but you know it is only reassurance that this is NOT God's earthly organization with the identifying mark of love..

    I just hope this doesn't bring new stress in your life.. I worry how stuff can impact your life and thus your kids relationship with you..

  • codeblue

    Thanks Sassy for such a "kind" and thoughtful post...

    Maybe after a good night's sleep, I will view todays events in a different light...

  • candidlynuts

    hugs codeblue i can relate.. even when my ex was DF"d the elders would talk to him and i was invisible. 4 yrs he was df'd i was never asked anywhere, was actually looked over at meeting for service once till after the prayer and i asked the conductor where i was supposed to go since he hadnt placed me, he said he didnt see me did i come in late? HA (that was the last time i went out in service)

  • codeblue

    Hugs back to ya Candidlynuts!!!

    You had a horrific experience......and I don't blame you for not going in service anymore......heck, they can't see ya anyways......so why go? lol

  • candidlynuts

    the fs. report every month got more attention than i did.and i've had the experience of an elder asking me to put down more hours than i had once. he seemed irritated that my 3 hours was going to bring the congregation average down. he suggested i put down 10 hours because surely i had informal witnessed during the month. i refused. i was HORRIFIED i had never heard of anyone lying on their report. boy i hear stories now lol

  • codeblue

    Yeah, me too candidly...I never cheated on f. service reports either...

    The fact that the elder wanted you to "lie"....tells the whole story.....too bad you didn't get that on tape...(lol)... It just shows you the "real motive" behind that card...

    They don't care about people...just numbers...A far cry from when Jesus was on the earth...

    When I relocated a year and a half ago, I kept emailing my time to my old KH a few states away. IN one email I asked if this was causing a problem. The elder said this: Yes, it is causing a problem. You don't go to this KH and you are messing up the time for the KH> (geez, I thought it was MY time card for ME)

    So I emailed back and said: Fine, just send me my card and I will take care of the time myself....I don't want this KH to have my card, they are less than Christian here.

    He emailed me ASAP to tell me he would be happy to keep taking my time.

    Well, as of last September, I quit emailing "time"...and guess what......HE never emailed me back to find out why or even call me.....

    Proof, they really don't care about people......


  • Odrade

    Girl, you are really going through it, ain't ya? Sorry things are so crappy right now. If it makes you feel any better, I'm an invisible wifey too, dontcha know. LOL! Although, I'm not as nice as you, so I would sit my little chair directly across from the Hellders, and hubby would sit off to the side. When they would ask him something I would answer, right off. HA! For all the good it did. Just proved to them I wasn't "submissive" and my husband wasn't being a "good spirtual head." God, what a joke.

    Get yourself on out here CB, next time you're on your own. Bisous and I will take you out and show you the town! We can really get a good bitch-fest on, fix ya all up!


  • codeblue

    Odrade: you are making me laugh my head off!!!

    Elders being: Hellders (very appropriate)

    Bitch-fest.........I might just take ya up on that!!! lmao...


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