energy secret Sequestered by U.S. Government

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    I have not read the whole document but could not wait...

    High Energy Magnetic Monopole Sequestered by U.S. Government

    Read it yourself at the following link.

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  • one

    High Energy Magnetic Monopole Sequestered by U.S. Government

    With resistive forces of at least 10 to 20 tons per square meter at 1/4" thickness, this material could power a device approximately the size of standard can of oil, delivering a minimum torque ratio of 1.5 tons of turning force. Witness comes forward after thirty years despite threats on his life.

    by James D. Fauble A personal journey account
    Submitted on June 4, 2004

    I have decided to tell a few more details about the path that has lead me to this forum and the reasons why. I would like you all to know in advance that it is NOT my intent nor my desire to receive any kind of pity or sympathy for what I am about to tell you and indeed there is much more that I have not found necessary to mention for just this reason.

    I cannot blame some of you if you will not believe what I am about to say and I can understand if you don't because I too was once a very technical kind of person who had to see and touch everything before I could believe.

    A Veil of Suppression

    This world is a dangerous and difficult place to navigate through and still hope to find a safe and happy place. Also, because I have known of too many others who have already died in this common quest of ours, I can no longer allow myself the luxury of remaining silent on this issue.

    I am fully aware that I am putting my very life in mortal danger by what I am about to reveal in this message but, I refuse to merely fade away quietly without at least offering this information to my fellow comrades who are active in this quest for new energy solutions.

    First of all I want you all to know that I have always been a very patriotic American citizen and have loved this great country, at least the country that it used to be and was originally intended to be. The country which was founded by our forefathers at the cost of many lives, much suffering, and great sacrifice. I believe that we must view those who have continued to hinder all true progress and murder our friends, family members, and fellow Americans to be our true enemies! I also believe that It has now come to the point where it is now crucial to our very existence that the tyranny end now before it is allowed to progress to the next level!

    Dr. Eugene Mallove
    left MIT
    faculty 1989 in protest over what
    he considered to be rigged data
    intended to debunk Cold Fusion.

    Since the most recent murder of one of our most beloved and respected comrades, Dr. Eugene Mallove on the 14th of May 2004, and also due to my own current situation, I have decided that it is due time that I disclose information that I have been forced to keep to myself for nearly thirty years when I had first received direct threats to my life and the lives of my loved ones. Being that I love my children very much and have taken these threats to harm my family very seriously, I hope that it will be understood as to why I have waited so long to speak out on this subject.

    It should be quite obvious by now to anyone who has done their homework, that there have been and still remain, powers which are in place and have been put there solely for the purpose of hindering any real knowledge and/or progress in the areas of new energy technologies and all for reasons of personal greed, power, and control.

    I do not want to have to be the one to burst many peoples bubbles, but I believe very strongly that there are those within this very movement who are not who they have made themselves out to be and I have personally seen very good evidence to believe this.

    Also, I have met with a number of retired and/or resigned CIA operatives at their requests, who have been aware of and sympathetic to my situation and had also been threatened by their very own co-workers and by others in charge and behind this shadowy veil of secrecy. Some of these people have stated to me that they have suffered the loss of several of their own family members who were murdered because of their beliefs that FE/OU [free energy / over-unity] technologies must be allowed to be disclosed to the American public and because they refused to be silent on the issue.

    You all need to know that the thugs behind these operations would like nothing more than to witness the demise of anyone and everyone actively promoting new energy technologies although, they usually reserve such drastic measures only for those who actually posses genuine technologies which would threaten their power structure.

    Also, I would like to make it clear that there are dozens of people who know of what I have personally gone through and have known me for many-many years. A good percentage of these people can and will vouch for my character and also to the truth of these statements . Some have even been witness to some of the U.S. government/military harassment that I have been subjected to.

    I would also like to add that I am willing to swear under oath and before congress as to the truth and accuracy of these claims and statements. However, only Gods protection can guarantee that I would be there to do so if that time should ever come.

    High Energy Magnetic Monopole Materials -- Evidence

    I have decided that I for one, will no longer live under the fear of these people and so, I am now offering to my fellow comrades news of the existence of certain materials that are thought impossible to exist but, which in fact DO exist. The materials of which I am referring, were (high energy magnetic monopole materials) with resistive forces of at least 10 to 20 tons per square meter x 1/4" thickness.

    Please consider closely what I am about to tell you! I have seen the physical and documented proof and also the formulas to prove this. There was no mistake! I had to read through all of the information a half dozen times before I would believe this myself but, I now know without any shadow of doubt what so ever that these are the actual facts.

    Thirty years ago I had delivered this information in person to the energy commissioner of the state of Minnesota in the late spring of 1979. The current commissioner at that time held a Ph.D. in physics, was a nuclear engineer, and as I have stated was currently the head of the Department of Energy in the state of Minnesota, that is, at least until mid 1979.

    He did not believe these claims either at first, until I presented the documentation and formulas which had all been formally published in great detail by "Polydorf". He to had to read through this information several times just to make sure there was no mistake as to what he was seeing.

    Again, there was NO MISTAKE ! Also, there were witnesses present who will testify to the truth and accuracy of these events. Along with these publications was the name and the location of the company that manufactured these materials at that time.

    Application: 1.5 Tons of Torque

    I had also presented to the commissioner a design for a new device which would measure approximately the same size as a standard size can of oil and which according to our calculations would have delivered a minimum torque ratio of approx. 1.5 tons of turning force. The commissioner agreed that indeed according to everything he was looking at, and taking in mind the current laws of physics, that it would be impossible if this device would not work.

    After reporting to the commissioner and showing him the proof of the existence of these materials, the commissioner promptly called this company on the telephone to place an order for the materials needed to build this device. At first the current foreman of the manufacturing plant adamantly denied that such materials existed except perhaps on the moon or mars as he jokingly put it. After the commissioner had clarified to the foreman as to whom he was speaking and threatened to file a law suit against both him and his company from the state of MN, the foreman immediately apologized and admitted that they did indeed make those materials there and agreed to place the requested order. The foreman however, wanted to know how the commissioner had acquired such information because apparently it was supposed to be classified under the highest top secret classification. The commissioner quickly told the foreman my name and where I was employed which at that time was for the Rand Corporation at a certain DOD headquarters location.

    Life Threatened; Daily Visits by Helicopters

    By that time I had begun to realize that I had unknowingly stumbled into a very dangerous area.

    It was later learned that I had apparently checked out a book in which a temp worker who had been called to fill in for the usual full time librarian, had accidentally misplaced this highly sensitive information, and instead of having it placed in the proper vault, filed it in the unrestricted area of the companies research library where I happened to find it while researching high energy magnetic materials for my invention.

    The very next day following that meeting with the energy commissioner, I was visited by several armed military police who were waiting for me as I reported for work that morning. As my boss stood directly behind these M.P.s, direct threats were made to my life and also the lives of my loved ones. I was told that if I were to ever mention anything to anyone about any of what had occurred that I would be made to disappear permanently and that they might just do the same to my loved ones for good measure. Those are the exact word they used.

    From that point on I was never able to contact the commissioner again and it appears that he had been replaced by a female counterpart. My phones and my family's and friend's phones were also tapped from that point on and for quite some time thereafter. Also, the very next day a very large white unmarked military helicopter began to make regular daily visits to my home at exactly 12:00pm noon every day and would hover no more then 50 to 75 feet above my house. Side doors would open and various IF, UV, cameras etc... were wheeled up to openly take pictures and to intimidate myself, my friends, and my neighbors.

    This continued for several months on end. My friends and neighbors were afraid to associate with me in any way from that time on. So in case your wondering, yes, there are many witnesses! Often there would be men stationed on my street with telephoto lenses aimed at my home and family members as we would come and go. I have also had my home broken into on numerous occasions whereby the only things which were ever taken were my inventions and associated documents.

    Since then I have watched as many others have announced various inventions which have claimed to provide free, clean energy while my life has basically been systematically destroyed.

    Howard Johnson's Motor
    Howard Johnson motor fea-
    tured in Science & Mechanics;
    Spring, 1980, p.45.

    In fact just a couple of months after my meeting with the MN state Energy Commission, a good friend handed me the 1980 spring issue of "Science and Mechanics Illustrated" of which Mr. Howard Johnson's permanent magnet motor/generator was pictured on the front cover. The design was nearly identical to one of my own. Coincidence? Only God knows for sure.

    Consequences of Losing My Job with DOD; Deterioration of Health

    I want to tell the following because I would like you all to know exactly where I am today as a result of being pressured into leaving my position with the DOD. Also, it may help to explain why I may not be able to respond as quickly as some of you would like sometimes.

    Although I want to be able to function at full capacity as in the past, my health has deteriorated considerably and I have been seriously effected in many ways as a result of the many problems which have been associated with the various forms of harassments and attempts by the government to ruin my life of which I will not even attempt to go into detail about.

    Needless to say, I had soon felt it necessary to find other employment because of the stress and intimidation which I was being subjected to and I immediately landed a job working on the docks of the Minnesota river loading barges. I became a dock chief in short time and things seemed to be looking up.

    During the third year that I was working on the docks, I fell nearly 40 feet onto the corner edge of one of the steel barges while trying be a nice guy and do another co-workers job for him so he could continue his conversation with another co-worker. It happened during a sudden change in the weather which quickly turned into blizzard conditions and everything had turned to glare ice in a matter of twenty minutes. Bean dust had covered the evidence and so I was not yet aware of the ice. Anyhow, I wound up landing on my back tucked into a fetal position while trying to protect my head during the fall fracturing numerous vertebrae, snapping three rips off of my spine, and rupturing about half the disks in my spine. There was also severe damage to my central spinal cord but which would not be able to be proved until twelve years later when MRIs were finally made available.

    The day after the accident I was told by my employer that if I was not back to work and 100% ready for work on the next work day that I would be kicking rocks down the road. I had just bought our first home and couldn't bare having to tell my wife that her life long time dream would have to go. And so, I reported for work the next work day.

    Twelve more years past and I was to the point where my legs would go out from under me and I would become completely paralyzed from the waist down. The heavy lifting and labor were taking their toll.

    A short time later I was hit from behind while stopped at a red light by a car which was traveling at 60mph which pretty much finished off the job. My seat buckled and twisted like a pretzel and I wound up in the back window head first.

    Today and for the last 10 years, I have been nearly unable to even think let alone function in any capacity well enough to hold down a full time job. I've developed severe degenerative disk disease throughout my entire spine etc...

    I have filed several times for disability but have not been able to get any help supposedly because I am not blind and/or have full blown AIDS and so therefore, do not qualify.

    I have lost my wife my home of which I had just finished paying the mortgage on, all of my possessions and my health.

    No Fear of Death -- Nothing Left to Lose

    Because of this and all of the things which have led to the total destruction of my life, I now have absolutely no fear what so ever of dying. In fact most people would consider it merciful to put down an animal in such a condition, and so I no longer care much about what the government/military clones want to threaten me with anymore.

    Again, this is only a very small example of some of the things that have brought me to this point. It is also the reason that I have chosen to disclose this information which I believe could help in the development of permanent magnet motor/generator technologies as well as other technologies.

    Let's Develop this Technology Ourselves for the World

    It has now been close to thirty years since that original incident which started me on the course that has lead me to this point. I am very sure that there have been improvements made to those materials that were so important to keep secret that people have been considered of lesser value.

    I have since attempted to find information about these materials on the Internet but as is to be expected, the closest thing resembling such materials to what I have described are what are referred to as high energy Dirac Monopoles . Claims that there has been ongoing work into research in this area are purely bogus and obviously designed to discourage the curious. Contrary to those claims, these materials have actually been in existence for at least thirty years now despite the denials of the patent offices and the manufacturers.

    The name of the company that was manufacturing them during the time of my meeting with the energy commissioner was Permag Central Corp. which is located in Illinois. You may well have heard of them, they are one of the largest manufacturers of high energy permanent magnets in the world.

    The name of the foreman involved was Jim Foy. He has long since left the company for reasons which would be perfectly understandable to me.

    Permag Central Corp. will undoubtedly deny that they have ever manufactured these materials and will also deny that they even know of the existence of such materials but, they do or at least did make them there in 1979.

    Also, I believe that I may have now figured out how to produce such materials or at least how the process might be done. I want you all to know that it is not my wish to place anyone in danger by offering this information and I would not normally give out any sensitive information of this nature but I believe that it has now become necessary for someone who is still living to disclose this information for the benefit of the many.

    These materials are undoubtedly used for military applications and they have been more than prepared to murder anyone in order to keep them a secret. If however, a private group were to re-discover so to speak, the process of making such materials, I believe that this information could then become public knowledge and thereby open up numerous possibilities within the scientific and technological communities.

    I would also like to add that I have seen some evidence that some of these high energy monopole materials are likely to posses properties of invisibility. I understand how this might sound but try looking up "High Energy Dirac Monopoles". I have done some Google searches on the Internet and have found some information on Dirac Monopole materials confirming this possibility.

    Nevertheless, I feel that it is necessary that others know of the existence of these materials because of the many implications for advancements in FE/OU and other new energy technologies. Also there are likely other possible applications associated with these types of materials which could greatly benefit mankind.

    Its kind of ironic that after all of the Top Secret and Above Top Secret technologies that I have seen and the projects that I have been involved with, that this would be the thing that they would worry about the most. I guess money really means a lot more than anything else to these people.

    Anyway, I also believe that this nonsense has gone on far to long and that it is time for all of us to move ahead swiftly before it is to late for all of mankind.

    Although some will surely say that I have developed a Messiah complex or that I am in some way delusional, mad, or just in need of attention, I assure all of you that I have no desire to be known or to become a celebrity.

    My initial intention to begin with was to give something to my fellow man and at the same time stick it to "The Man" if you will.

    It should also be obvious why I have chosen to remain anonymous for so long. I have simply come to the final conclusion that if it is necessary that I have to sacrifice the remainder of my life for the betterment of mankind, then it is well worth the price and in fact would even be welcome at this point. At least I will have played a part in some small way and at least something of my life might have been salvaged to help someone.

    I only hope that some of you will listen and at least consider that what I am telling you is true and also the possibilities. I also encourage you all to share this information with anyone who will listen.Dr. Eugene Mallove was one of the best and brightest in his field and he was loved by many. I believe that at the least, we owe it to Eugene to continue the fight for the full disclosure of these technologies.

    Also, It would be wise to remember that any one of you who is currently active in the pursuit of FE/OU or even NE technologies and on the right track, could be in danger of being the next target. Also, our best defense is in our numbers and this is now the one thing in our favor. There are now far to many of us for them to hope to be able to get by with making everyone disappear.

    I will continue to help others as best I can in their projects as long as I am able to still able to talk or type on this keyboard. There are many of you out there now who are on the right track and my prayers are with you all regardless of how you are received by others within the FE/OU community or network. A good number of you are far brighter than I was when I started my research and so I am confident that if time will still allow that something will be brought to the market within a couple of years.

    Remember though, that there is much deception and many forces which will try to stand in your way some within our very midst but, with the help of our Creator and the cooperation of other fellow comrades, I believe that some of you may enter into the history books alongside the likes of [Nikola] Tesla of whom, I have always most admired.

    As far as I am concerned Nikola was the king, and I believe that without the sacrifices that he made in his life, we would not be anywhere near as far as we are today.

    I don't know what if any results may occur by getting this off my chest but I believe I must do this at this time for many reasons, some which will be obvious, others of which I do not want to discuss at this point.

    God bless you and keep you all.


    Sample Technology


    Just five hours after posting From: J Fauble <JDEnterprizes {at} > To: Sterling D. Allan Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 5:17 PM Subject: Re: (sent to news organizations) U.S. Govt. Sequesters Alt. Energy Technology Wherewithal [...] I have already received a number letters from others from NSA and CIA backgrounds who are also familiar with these secretive materials and believe we need to expose this nonsense and get something going so someone can get this stuff out there. I am willing to talk. I also may have some insight on a couple of other things that should help us all see the sensibility of using methods which should long have been very obvious to a lot of folks with active mental processes, lol.
    [...] I would like to thank you for helping to expose the cover-up on these materials. I think this may very well make things more clear for a number of people and as I said, I am getting responses already. I just hope they are who they say they are. Well see I guess. Thanks Again, Jim

    See also


    Page posted by Sterling D. Allan June 5, 2004
    Last updated June 10, 2004

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  • Elsewhere

    So many people talking about free energy... yet none of them are running their house or car on all of the many "promising" technologies.

  • Satanus


    It's always good to wait a day before you post on seemingly hot stuff like this. It generally cools off overnight.

    He's a bit heavy on background, and light on details for the device and it background. That's typical. He found the trail from a misplaced book? Why does he slide into the free energy subject? Why can't he stay on topic?


  • sf

    Some USENET discussions featuring Sterling D. Allan:

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    Some google 'images' here:


  • sf

    Oh yes, and I noted this portion in Fauble's text above:

    The commissioner quickly told the foreman my name and where I was employed which at that time was for the Rand Corporation at a certain DOD headquarters location.



  • Satanus
    Satanus Here is a report from japan about a much more efficientelectric motor. Below is the text. No threats or other hysterics. Notice the difference? TECHNOLOGY The Techno Maestro's Amazing Machine Kohei Minato and the Japan Magnetic Fan Company

    A maverick inventor's breakthrough electric motor uses permanent magnets to make power -- and has investors salivating

    by John Dodd

    NEW! -- See video of motors working.

    When we first got the call from an excited colleague that he'd just seen the most amazing invention -- a magnetic motor that consumed almost no electricity -- we were so skeptical that we declined an invitation to go see it. If the technology was so good, we thought, how come they didn't have any customers yet?

    We forgot about the invitation and the company until several months later, when our friend called again.

    "OK," he said. "They've just sold 40,000 units to a major convenience store chain. Now will you see it?"

    In Japan, no one pays for 40,000 convenience store cooling fans without being reasonably sure that they are going to work.

    The maestro

    The streets of east Shinjuku are littered with the tailings of the many small factories and workshops still located there -- hardly one's image of the headquarters of a world-class technology company. But this is where we are first greeted outside Kohei Minato's workshop by Nobue Minato, the wife of the inventor and co-director of the family firm.

    The workshop itself is like a Hollywood set of an inventor's garage. Electrical machines, wires, measuring instruments and batteries are strewn everywhere. Along the diagram-covered walls are drill presses, racks of spare coils, Perspex plating and other paraphernalia. And seated in the back, head bowed in thought, is the 58-year-old techno maestro himself.

    Minato is no newcomer to the limelight. In fact, he has been an entertainer for most of his life, making music and producing his daughter's singing career in the US. He posseses an oversized presence, with a booming voice and a long ponytail. In short, you can easily imagine him onstage or in a convertible cruising down the coast of California -- not hunched over a mass of wires and coils in Tokyo's cramped backstreets.

    Joining us are a middle-aged banker and his entourage from Osaka and accounting and finance consultant Yukio Funai. The banker is doing a quick review for an investment, while the rest of us just want to see if Minato's magnetic motors really work. A prototype car air conditioner cooler sitting on a bench looks like it would fit into a Toyota Corolla and quickly catches our attention.

    Seeing is believing

    Nobue then takes us through the functions and operations of each of the machines, starting off with a simple explanation of the laws of magnetism and repulsion. She demonstrates the "Minato Wheel" by kicking a magnet-lined rotor into action with a magnetic wand.

    Looking carefully at the rotor, we see that it has over 16 magnets embedded on a slant -- apparently to make Minato's machines work, the positioning and angle of the magnets is critical. After she kicks the wheel into life, it keeps spinning, proving at least that the design doesn't suffer from magnetic lockup.

    She then moves us to the next device, a weighty machine connected to a tiny battery. Apparently the load on the machine is a 35kg rotor, which could easily be used in a washing machine. After she flicks the switch, the huge rotor spins at over 1,500 rpms effortlessly and silently. Meters show the power in and power out. Suddenly, a power source of 16 watt or so is driving a device that should be drawing at least 200 to 300 watts.

    Nobue explains to us that this and all the other devices only use electrical power for the two electromagnetic stators at either side of each rotor, which are used to kick the rotor past its lockup point then on to the next arc of magnets. Apparently the angle and spacing of the magnets is such that once the rotor is moving, repulsion between the stators and the rotor poles keeps the rotor moving smoothly in a counterclockwise direction. Either way, it's impressive.

    Next we move to a unit with its motor connected to a generator. What we see is striking. The meters showed an input to the stator electromagnets of approximately 1.8 volts and 150mA input, and from the generator, 9.144 volts and 192mA output. 1.8 x 0.15 x 2 = 540mW input and 9.144 x 0.192 = 1.755W out.

    But according to the laws of physics, you can't get more out of a device than you put into it. We mention this to Kohei Minato while looking under the workbench to make sure there aren't any hidden wires.

    Minato assures us that he hasn't transcended the laws of physics. The force supplying the unexplained extra power out is generated by the magnetic strength of the permanent magnets embedded in the rotor. "I'm simply harnessing one of the four fundamental forces of nature," he says.

    Although we learned in school that magnets were always bipolar and so magnetically induced motion would always end in a locked state of equilibrium, Minato explains that he has fine-tuned the positioning of the magnets and the timing of pulses to the stators to the point where the repulsion between the rotor and the stator (the fixed outer magnetic ring) is transitory. This creates further motion -- rather than a lockup. (See the sidebar on page 41 for a full explanation).

    Real products

    Nobue Minato leads us to the two devices that might convince a potential investor that this is all for real.

    First, she shows us the cooling fan prototype that is being manufactured for a convenience store chain's 14,000 outlets (3 fans per outlet). The unit looks almost identical to a Mitsubishi-manufactured fan unit next to it, which is the unit currently in wide use. In a test, the airflow from both units is about the same.

    The other unit is the car air conditioning prototype that caught our eye as we came in. It's a prototype for Nippon Denso, Japan's largest manufacturer of car air conditioners. The unit is remarkably compact and has the same contours and size as a conventional unit. Minato's manufacturing skills are clearly improving.

    The banker and his investment

    Minato has good reason to complain about Japan's social and cultural uniformity. For years, people thought of him as an oddball for playing the piano for a living, and bankers and investors have avoided him because of his habit of claiming that he'd discovered a breakthrough technology all by himself -- without any formal training.

    However, the Osaka banker stands up after the lecture and announces that before he goes, he will commit \100 million to the investment pool.

    Minato turns to us and smiles. We brought him good luck, and this was his third investor in as many weeks to confirm an interest.

    Bringing the tech to the table

    With the audience gone, we ask Minato what he plans to do to commercialize the technology. His game plan is simple and clear, he says. He wants to retain control, and he wants to commercialize the technology in Japan first -- where he feels he can ensure that things get done right. Why doesn't he go directly to the US or China? His experiences in both countries, he suggests, have been less than successful. "The first stage is critical in terms of creating good products and refining the technology. I don't want to be busy with legal challenges and IP theft while doing that."

    Still, the export and licensing of the technology are on his agenda, and Minato is talking to a variety of potential partners in other countries.

    Whereas another inventor might be tempted to outsource everything to a larger corporation, part of what drives Minato is his vision of social justice and responsibility. The 40,000 motors for the convenience store chain are being produced by a group of small manufacturers in Ohta-ku and Bunkyo-ku, in the inner north of Tokyo -- which is becoming a regional rust belt. Minato is seized with the vision of reinvigorating these small workshops that until the 80s were the bedrock of Japan's manufacturing and economic miracle. Their level of expertise will ensure that the quality of the motors will be as good as those from any major company.

    International prep

    Despite his plan to do things domestically first, Minato is well prepared for the international markets. He is armed with both six years of living and doing business in Los Angeles in the early 90s -- and with patent protection for over 48 countries. His is hardly a provincial perspective.

    His US experience came after playing the piano for a living for 15 years. He began tinkering with his invention in the mid-70s. The idea for his magnetic motor design came from a burst of inspiration while playing the piano.

    But Minato decided to drop everything in 1990 to help his daughter Hiroko, who at the age of 20 decided that she wanted to be a rhythm and blues star in the US. Minato is a strong believer in family: If Hiroko was going to find fame and fortune in the US, Dad had better be there to help manage her. He suceeded in helping Hiroko to achieve a UK dance chart number one hit in 1995.

    In 1996 Minato returned to Japan and his magnetic motor project. The following year he displayed his prototypes to national power companies, government officials and others at a five-day conference in Mexico City. Interest was palpable, and Minato realized that his invention might meet a global need for energy-saving devices.

    Subsequent previews and speeches in Korea and Singapore further consolidated his commitment to bringing the invention to fruition, and he was able to bring in several early-stage investors.

    During the late 90s, Minato continued to refine his prototypes. He also stayed in constant contact with his lawyer, registering patents in major countries around the world. Through his experiences in the US he realized that legal protection was critical, even if it meant delaying release of the technology by a couple of years.

    Ironically, by the time he'd won patents in 47 countries, the Japanese patent office turned him down on the grounds that "[the invention] couldn' t possibly work" and that somehow he was fabricating the claims.

    But a few months later they were forced to recant their decision after the US patent office recognized his invention and gave him the first of two patents. As Minato notes: "How typical of Japan's small-minded bureaucrats that they needed the leadership of the US to accept that my invention was genuine."

    By 2001, the Minatos had refined their motors and met enough potential investors to enter into a major international relationship, initially with a Saudi company, to be followed thereafter by companies in the US and elsewhere.

    However, fate dealt the investors and Minato's business a serious blow when the World Trade Center was attacked in New York. The Saudis retreated, and Minato's plans fell back to square one.

    Now Minato is once again ready to move. With the first order in the works and more orders pending successful prototypes, he has decided that investors don't have to be primary partners. He is actively accepting inquiries from corporate investors who can bring strategic advantages and corporate credibility with them. His company, Japan Magnetic Fan, will make a series of investment tie-up announcements in the first and second quarters of 2004.


    Minato's motors consume just 20 percent or less of the power of conventional motors with the same torque and horse power. They run cool to the touch and produce almost no acoustic or electrical noise. They are significantly safer and cheaper (in terms of power consumed), and they are sounder environmentally.

    The implications are enormous. In the US alone, almost 55 percent of the nation's electricity is consumed by electric motors. While most factory operators buy the cheapest motors possible, they are steadily being educated by bodies like NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) that the costs of running a motor over a typical 20-year lifespan comprise a purchase price of just 3 percent of the total, and electricity costs of 97 percent. It is not unusual for a $2,000 motor to consume $80,000 of electricity (at a price of .06 cents per kilowatt hour).

    Since 1992, when efficiency legislation was put into place at the US federal level, motor efficiency has been a high priority -- and motors saving 20 percent or so on electrical bills are considered highly efficient. Minato is about to introduce a motor which saves 80 percent, putting it into an entirely new class: The $80,000 running cost will drop to just $16,000. This is a significant savings when multiplied by the millions of motors used throughout the USA and Japan -- and eventually, throughout the world.

    The devices

    Minato's invention and its ability to use remarkably less power and run without heat or noise make it perfect for home appliances, personal computers, cellphones (a miniature generator is in the works) and other consumer products.

    The magnetic motor will be cheaper than a standard motor to make, as the rotor and stator assemblies can be set into plastic housings, due to the fact that the system creates very little heat. Further, with the motor's energy efficiency, it will be well suited for any application where a motor has limited energy to drive it. While development is still focused on replacing existing devices, Minato says that his motor has sufficient torque to power a vehicle.

    With the help of magnetic propulsion, it is feasible to attach a generator to the motor and produce more electric power than was put into the device. Minato says that average efficiency on his motors is about 330 percent.

    Mention of Over Unity devices in many scientific circles will draw icy skepticism. But if you can accept the idea that Minato's device is able to create motion and torque through its unique, sustainable permanent magnet propulsion system, then it makes sense that he is able to get more out of the unit than he puts in in terms of elctrical power. Indeed, if the device can produce a surplus of power for longer periods, every household in the land will want one.

    "I am not in this for the money," Minato says. "I have done well in my musical career, but I want to make a contribution to society -- helping the backstreet manufacturers here in Japan and elsewhere. I want to reverse the trends caused by major multinationals. There is a place for corporations. But as the oil industry has taught us, energy is one area where a breakthrough invention like this cannot be trusted to large companies."

    Minato was once close to making a deal with Enron. But today, he is firmly on a mission to support the small and the independent -- and to go worldwide with them and his amazing machine. "Our plan is to rally smaller companies and pool their talent, and to one day produce the technology across a wide range of fields."

  • Elsewhere
    With the help of magnetic propulsion, it is feasible to attach a generator to the motor and produce more electric power than was put into the device. Minato says that average efficiency on his motors is about 330 percent.

    Bull $#!+

    Q: Why does he not power his house with this?
    A: Because his claims are not true.

  • Satanus


    It sounds like a projection he's making, not something he has done. The earlier statement

    Minato's motors consume just 20 percent or less of the power of conventional motors with the same torque and horse power.

    is less sensational. Since i am a bit skeptical, i haven't bothered to follow it up. They generally are a waste of energy, my own, that is, and my energy efficiency is way down.


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