I have started knitting again

by Lady Lee 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    When my girls were young I used to knit a lot and crochet. I had given it up for a while but now with babies and weddings I am at it again.

    So I thought I would share some of my work with you. If you have some things you have made (I know Garybuss does some beautiful woodwork) feel free to share it.

    When my daughter got married I made this blanket big enough for two to snuggle under

    When my granddaughter was born I made this Christening outfit

    and the matching blanket

    back with more in a minute

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Matthew's clothes

    I made this for Matthew's Christenign but he has outgrown it already so I will make another one

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    more blankets

    I have some other things but will have to find the pictures and scan them. I used to knit or crochet tablecloths for people when they got married. I think I have some of those around here somewhere

  • ohiocowboy

    Wow!!! What a lot of work, and very pretty too....I find it really neat when something is hand-made-it evokes such a special feeling that someone actually took the time to make it out of LOVE! Thanks for sharing, and what priveledged grandchildren!!!

  • Mulan

    Wow, those are gorgeous. So lacy!!

    I crochet, and knit, but prefer crocheting. Faster results.

  • Sassy

    absolutely gorgeious........

    I used to crochet.. before I found the net...

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I crochet, and knit, but prefer crocheting. Faster results.

    I totally agree much faster but i like the texture of knits and the greater variety of patterns.

    Also I never follow the pattern even though I start with one. I prefer to do something just a little or a lot different to make them unique

  • flower

    Omg that stuff is beautiful! I am jealous...I dont have the patience anymore. There is something about a handmade gift that gives is so much more meaning.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Pssst Sassy the trick is to keep the knitting beside the computer

    ohiocowboy - I agree I love to get things that are hand made and as you can see give them too

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    flower between work and a young one I can understan why you wouldn't have any patience - or time lol

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