Hey Black Man....
There were 3 generations from my family in Bethel.....the first guys a long time ago taken away in hand cuffs...during WW2, they served time in prison. After pardoned served years in Bethel and had told our family for years about the big house out in California but no one believed them. (No internet to verify at the time) They also mentioned a cruise ship owned by the Society but I have never seen this mentioned anywhere. It was off the coast of California, and Rutherford etal, was on it many times.
There was much homosexuality in Bethel during those days, and continues to this day as far as I know.....I will not relay details.
A third generation son attended for a year, and came out almost insane. He is out of the witnesses at this point and is and exceptional artist. I also can not relay the details without exposing him.
Family in since 1929 if not earlier.
Gleaning as you described is just typical of the Rutherford era. It has not changed one iota.