Reading this whole thread, I suddenly had the feeling that this was all really very silly. If it didn't have such devastating effects on people's lives, wouldn't this strike all of you as rather bizarre? These elders, the ones that are probably window washers, cheese and cracker men, acting like they are detectives, police officers, judge and jury all, having such control over our lives. Very strange that it should come down to this. That our whole lives can be disrupted and taken apart, strand by strand, by people that aren't even in positions of authority in the world? That our whole lives can be reduced to devastation by anything less than an Act of God.
They are nothing less than bullies. The kind of which takes whole people's lives apart at the issuing of an edict. Only because they happen to believe that they have been given this authority by the one true God. They can cause our own blood family to ignore us with the flip of a page, or by saying we aren't worthy. Who the f&ck are they to say we aren't worthy? How can a bunch of mere MEN make judgement on our fitness in God's eyes? The fact is: they can't. They believe they are endowed with super-human knowledge or something, and they alone hold the keys to our salvation. bzzzzt! wrong. They are nothing but power-hungry jackasses who couldn't make it in the real world, and want to grab on to whatever power they can get by making "it" in the world of the Dubbies. However, these guys think that they alone can judge you fit or not fit to meet your maker. Funny how presumptuous they are.
There is only ONE person we need to be pleasing: God. I know lots of you don't believe in God, and that's okay, it just only proves my point even more. These people don't hold any kind of power over us that we don't give them. They are nothing. They do everything like you and me. We are *all* nothing but little humans in the grand scheme of things. They are not MORE than you, nor are they less than you are. Being raised in this stupid goddamn religion only makes me angry. They think that I will kowtow to them, still. When they were up at the hospital the other day to check on my brother.. I knew they weren't there just to check up on him, they were there to MAKE SURE that he didn't take a blood transfusion. They could care less if he lives or dies.. they just want to make sure that their screwed up edicts are followed, just as in the case of every other liasion committee. SCREW their committees... they can kiss my fanny. I had no respect for them, I turned my back on them because they are nothing to me. They are on the same playing field I am. I give them NO POWER. Of course, my dying brother just hands over power of attorney to them.. that's what they do. They make SURE that their edicts are followed. They are just a buncha "little daddies" or little Napoleons. Sick.. sick.. sick.
I don't follow anyone but my own conscience to be a good person, and I won't take anymore crapola from these people. When my Mother dies, that will be the last of it. No more JW funerals.. no more JW *crap*. This is the end of it. The grandchildren aren't JW's and God bless us for that. Our children, and our grandchildren will be raised normal thank God.
It just struck me wierd that we all here for the same reason.. we can't get it out of us, but we are trying so hard to. Why can't we just forget it? I dunno.. I know I can't. I try all the time. But I *do* know one good thing: I may forgive, but I'll never forget. It's an inherant part of me, and it needs to be purged. This is how I do it... It doesn't strike me odd that the Scientologists or Mormons have the same sort of X site.. these crazy cult religions are *so* devastating...