I would trust em about as far as I could throw em...
Picture this, Sicily 1922....
oops, wrong tangent...
Picture this, Minnesota, 1985, young pioneer Brother (Me), buys a Big 4 door car for field service for 1,500.00, a sh*t load of money for a reg. pioneer who cleaned a bowling alley for a living....Within a few weeks, the lifter breaks. Wonderful Brother mechanic looks it over and declares that it would need new engine, and would cost more to fix it than it was worth. Brother mechanic offers to buy the car from Reg. Pioneer Brother for 50.00, saying that he would scrap it out for parts, since it was so far gone. Naive pioneer Brother (Still me) trusts Brother Mechanics words, and sells the car to him for 50.00. 2 weeks later, Car miraculously is running, and was being driven by another brother in the cong. that had their Sunday meetings right after ours. Guess the selling price????? 1,500.00!!! A lot of people in my Cong. were pis*ed, to say the least, and guess who had to take on a catering job, along with the cleaning job, in order to afford another 4 door car for service. Sick Bastaaaaads!!!