Jeez, I cannot believe the crap they print. I am convinced that the GB believe they are Jehovah God. Everything makes sense now.
1st study article
Jehovah Reveals His Glory To Humble Ones
Box on page 12 - Strong yet Humble
At the 1919 Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A, convention of the Bible Students (known today as Jehovah's Witnesses), 50-year-old
J.F. Rutherford, who was then overseeing the work, gladly volunteered as a bellhop, carrying luggage and escorting conventioners
to their rooms. On the last day of the convention, he electrified the audience of 7,000 with the words: "You are an ambassaor
of the King of kings and Lord of lords, announcing to the people...the glorious Kingdom of our Lord." While Brother Rutherford
was a man of strong convictions, known for speaking out forcefully and without compromise for what he believed to be the
truth, he was also genuinely humble before God, often reflecting that in his prayers at morning worship in Bethel.
I don't know about this humble servant of Jehovah who electrified an audience of 7,000.