If anyone doubts that Rutherford liked booze they need to look at
by truthseeker 28 Replies latest watchtower bible
If anyone doubts that Rutherford liked booze they need to look at
Kenneson, thanks for that link!
As for the Watchtower article, all I can say is "If I believed even HALF of what you say, I'd be really impressed".
: I'm not doubting this, but can you reference this? I may be able to use that information.
Dr. M. James Penton in his book "Apocalypse Delayed" discusses this subject. It is a good read, and very well researched. This is not the first time most JWs have left the movement when the leaders made major changes. It happened after 1925 and to a lesser, but still notable amount after 1975.
If you're dealing with braindead dubs though, that information won't get you anywhere.
"Your religious leaders made false prophecy and riduculous doctrine and reasonable people in that goofy religion left as a result of that idiocy."
"It's called "sifting."
"NO! It's called false prophecy!"
"No. It's called sifting!"
"So, your religion "sifts" out the people who can see idiocy and false prophecy when it's obvious?"
"Yes. It's called "sifting." "Jehovah" is testing us.
"Jehovah" is testing you with false prophecy and idiocy?"
"As I said, it is a great sifting work that is going on."
"Don't you see the idiocy of what you just said, you moron?"
"You have just been "sifted."
"Great! Let the good times roll! You guys are REALLY GOOFY!"
Farkel, of the "sifted" CLASS(tm)
Thanks for this. RUTHERFORD WAS A JOKE!
People are referring to his boozing and personal problems, but he is the one who--against the will of the appointed leadership--on his own first with private financing under his own "People's Pulpit Society" put out the abdominable "7th Volume, Studies in the Scriptures," which was designed in its first place to establish that Russell was the promised "faithful and wise servant." Only when he himself wanted to have that mantle transferred to himself after 10 years of proclaiming that (1917-1927) did the idea that the FDS was a group of individuals in place to lead the WTS, namely what eventually became the sacred Governing Body. But interestingly, they considered it 'creature worship' to claim that Russell individually was the FDS and blamed the followers for "adopting" such an idea, when all they were doing was following WTS, make that Chief Apostate "Rutherford" policy!
Rutherford was out for himself. Everything that was published after Russell, who at least had the decency not to claim personal authorship for the publications (except for the Watcthower itself) was personally claimed to be written by Rutherford himself. There is no difference in the Rutherford years from the "Billy Graham" crusade type of organization.
The WTS politely decided to again publish anonymously after 1942, which of course, was simply because Rutherford died. So Rutherford was definitely an embarassment even for the establishment of the WTS at that time, he was definitely a step backwards.
And now of course, as noted, they are playing the historical revisionism game and trying to cover over this embarrassment. But why not? What would anyone know about him who didn't know the history.
So at least the XJWs websites are upon this this, which is why any glamorization of Rutherford is clearly a JOKE. He's defnitely APOSTATE #1 who tried to make Russell the FDS, another fact the current WTS tries to hide.
Oh no! Not a new class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sifted class.
Does this mean that those not sifted are just plain lumpy?
Blessed are the bewildered - for they won't notice! (Spike Milligan)
Rutherford humble?
He loved to berate and humiliate people - as well attested to by countless Bethelites who were his victims.
Karl Klein despised him - but didn't want to admit it. His arrogant and cruel behavior was well documented in the
now famous letter from Olin Moyle, a lawyer who stood up to him and actually won in court!
Well the nt clearly bans drunkeness but the old testament I think was a little less strict on the issue , so noah and lott both got off easy with that one . I think lott woulda got in more trouble for having sex with his own daughters than anything else . ewwwwwww .
I think the wisest thing rutherford said was that religion was a snare and a racket .I'm like amazed that these people could over look the obvious and not consider the bible students or dubs a religion.
Quotes you won't see in the 8/1/04 WT:
A woman is nothing more than "a hank of hair and a bag of bones." -- Speech given at a 1941 St. Louis, MO convention once again discouraging marriage.
"In 1919...the Congress of the United States enfranchised women" which is really a plot in Satan's preparation of his "forces for Armageddon." -- Vindication, 1931, (book 1), page 155.
The devil stands for all things evil. He is the very personification of wickedness. Then how could prohibition of intoxicating liquor be the devil's scheme? St. Paul answers: 'For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness.'" -- Watchtower, November 1, 1924, (considering that 'booze' Rutherford was a notorious alcoholic, it stands to reason why he was livid when the government cut off the flow of juice to Bethel.)
Rutherford further admitted that some will refuse to push his Watchtower publications because these contain mistakes. While this may be true, he said, "everyone knows, there are mistakes in the Bible..." -- Watchtower, April 15, 1928, page 126.
"The constellation of the seven stars forming the Pleiades...that one of the stars of that group is the dwelling-place of Jehovah." -- Reconciliation, 1928, page 14.
hello im back(if you knew i was gone )
A woman is nothing more than "a hank of hair and a bag of bones." -- Speech given at a 1941 St. Louis, MO convention once again discouraging marriage.
blondie ..he would ahve got along well with st paul .didint paul say women were only spared because of their wombs.