Jehovah creates a bad name for himself

by Nosferatu 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker1

    Nahh, they just arn't allowed to use the internet anymore.

  • Swan

    Is it just me or is anyone else having problems looking at codeblue's new avatar? It hurts my old tired eyes. They keep wanting to focus and they can't.


  • heathen

    Franklin j --- If they did that then they wouldn't have all those really cool prophesies of the end of the world .I think all christian religionists love to misinterpret those , it's like one of the main doctrine . The baptistst still believe they will rapture , the catholics still believe the earth will be entirely destroyed and I'm hearing alot of the religionist believe that the nation of Israel will be attacked by the surrounding nations thus causing God to defend them . OHHH man if only I could think of more stuff here.

  • dh
    Okay, I'm surprised no JW apologists came to defend their god. Is armageddon around the corner?

    but you know it's the truth don't you? jehovah WILL destroy you, we just want you back, we love you.

  • XQsThaiPoes
    Why not be more interested in the Egyptian heretic god Aten? It was also a monotheistic form of worship sponsered by the Heretic Pharoah Akhenaten in Egypt 3000 years ago and predates Christianity. Surely its age must make it pertinent in todays world.

    Jehovah is Aten.

    Jah've is the name of Moses pagan daughter of the midianite high priest volcano god. Aron and Mirriam told him not to merge the faiths but Jah've struck Mirriam with Leprosy.

    THe proof is adonni or lord comes from the root adon which is the name Aton or Aten. And they were henothist BTW.

    Freud wrote about the whole thing.

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