One more victory for the Christians and it sucks!!!

by Atilla 51 Replies latest social current

  • ThiChi

    "Actually, that was from the opinion of Chief Justice Rehnquist, which the majority of the court did not join in."

    Again you are wrong, four agreed with the Cheif, and the rest did not state one way or the other, no comment...this was not a "opinion" it was really a viewpoint sice they did not try the case.

    Addressing the merits of the pledge issue, Chief Justice Rehnquist said that "reciting the pledge, or listening to others recite it, is a patriotic exercise, not a religious one." In her opinion, Justice O'Connor called the pledge a permissible example of "ceremonial deism" rather than religious worship, similar, she said, to the words the Supreme Court's marshal intones at the start of each session: "God save the United States and this honorable court."

    While both Justice O'Connor and Chief Justice Rehnquist found the pledge constitutional under the Supreme Court's existing precedents, Justice Thomas took a different approach (yet still agreed). The court's church-state precedents made the pledge unconstitutional and those precedents should be re-examined, he said.

  • ThiChi


    I agree with the CJ:

    "The Constitution only requires that schoolchildren be entitled to abstain from the ceremony if they chose to do so. To give the parent of such a child a sort of "heckler's veto" over a patriotic ceremony willingly participated in by other students, simply because the Pledge of Allegiance contains the descriptive phrase "under God," is an unwarranted extension of the Establishment Clause, an extension which would have the unfortunate effect of prohibiting a commendable patriotic observance."

    That is the issue at hand........

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    OK, as a Christian (Protestant/Calvinist) what I am about to say would smack of heresy to a number of my Christian friends, and my shock those that think of me as a close-minded fundamentalist. Here goes:

    Drop "one nation under God"

    There I said it. I think that many Christians have it wrong in that they are all for "traditional values," but fail to recognize wither by choice or by ignorance that this addition is but 50 plus years old. I for one have no problem with dropping this phrase from The Pledge.

    What I do have a problem with is groups like the ACLU threatening lawsuits against Christian symbols in public domain, eg. the Los Angeles county seal. If they are allowed to do this then what is next? Los Angeles, San Pedro, San Bernardino, Santa Cruz, Las Cruces change their names to "less religious" names?

    The Los Angeles Times, in it's recent editorial on this subject, said that this shouldn't even go to court. The funny thing is that their comment was directed at two County Supervisors that wanted to fight this fascist attempt at subverting the history of California. It should have been directed at the ACLU for even making this threat.

    The facts are simple; in the southwestern U.S. the Roman Catholic church was the first to "educate" the natives, and it created a road system that is still in use today. Why should that part of history be honored with a cross? Furthermore, why should those of us that have religious values have to have the values of atheists and secularists shoved down our throats? Aren't the atheists and secularists constantly admonishing Christian to not do that? Isn't it time for these people to "practice what they preach?"


  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    LABD.. I am pleasantly surprised, a second time, by your response. Has someone hacked LABD's account?

    Regarding the LA county seal, I think there are too many powerful jews in LA county for them to tolerate a cross on the county seal.



  • Crazy151drinker

    Doesnt the ACLU have anything better to do besides sueing to have the cross removed from the seal? Its been there for decades! I havnt seen any world wide protests over the LA County seal. Get a life ACLU!

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Suprised by what response?

    Did I do something right?


  • Euphemism


    Again you are wrong, four agreed with the Cheif

    From the record: "Chief Justice Rehnquist, with whom Justice O'Connor joins, and with whom Justice Thomas joins as to Part I, concurring in the judgment." I only count three justices there, including the Chief.

    Not, of course, that even four would have constituted a majority.

    and the rest did not state one way or the other

    Exactly. Which goes to support my point, that Rehnquist's opinion cannot be justly called "the Court's Viewpoint."

    this was not a "opinion" it was really a viewpoint sice they did not try the case.

    You can argue that it's dicta, although that distinction is meaningless in any opinion other than that of a majority.

    But a concurring or dissenting opinion is still an opinion.


    I would agree with you on the LA seal. The cross on the seal is smaller than an oil derrick and a Roman goddess, among other symbols. To argue that the seal constitutes an endorsement of Christianity is absurd.

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    LABD ..

    Suprised by what response?

    Did I do something right?

    I was surprised that I agreed with you about removing "under God" from the pledge and also your comments in the French thread about laying down our national pride. I thought from reading you previous posts, I knew what type of responses I could expect from you. I was wrong.


  • gumby

    Why is it neccesary to demand from people of a recite in school.....EVERY a cult, the pledge of allegiance! I don't like the "one nation under god" bullshit sounds prejudice! One nation under god eh? I suppose no other nation believes in him....just ours.

    I think it stinks.


  • Yerusalyim

    The US Supreme Court has a bad habit of running from making a decision...this is one of those cases, and one wonders what the heck we're paying them for...regardless of how you feel about UNDER GOD, this was a horrible decision, because NOTHING was settled.

    My feeling is that the one nation under God should be removed at once, f*ck the Christians for trying to force their religion upon everyone in this country.

    My feeling is that one nation under God should be KEPT, joke the athiests for trying to force their religion upon everyone else in this country.

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