UN inspectors: Saddam shipped out WMD before war and after

by ThiChi 24 Replies latest social current

  • roybatty
    You don't have to be a Bush basher to see with your own eyes that the man is a total moron.

    Same things they said about Regan. "He's a senile old bat." "He's asleep at the wheel"..blah blah blah. BTW, who says I'm a huge Bush backer? He's better then Kerry, that's about it. Bush is going to send this country into bankrupcy if someone doesn't stop the bleeding.

    There are no WMD's, there never were, and there never will be.

    So let me understand this. Iran has/had a WMD program, but Iraq didn't. Libya has/had a WMD program, but Iraq didn't. Hmmmm...I guess Saddam just wanted to keep the peace.

    So, Kerry flip-flops on issues . . . tells us what we want to hear. No different than any other political candidate that ever ran for office. I'd do anything not to have to look at Ronald Reagan's co-star, all growed up, from Bedtime For Bonzo making absurd monkey sounds with the Whitehouse Seal beneath his podium.
    Yeah, he flip-flops on issue. So what? lol! Would be nice to know what he stands for. What scares me the most about Kerry (just like Clinton) is that he has to please soooo many differnt groups. Hell, look at what Big Labor is doing regarding the vp choice. Twisting that arm. Not that Bush is a saint, just fewer special interest groups to cater.
  • TD

    There are no WMD's, there never were, and there never will be.

    I don't want to sound like I support either Bush or the Iraq misadventure because I don't. However I really, truly don't understand statements like the one above.

    Iraq admitted in 1995 to having an extensive chemical and biological weapons program from 1986 to 1990 and their 1997 declaration directly confirmed this.

    Directly under UNSCOM supervision Iraq destroyed 40 tons of Sarin, 76 tons of Tabun, and 295 tons of mustard agent. Therefore the idea that there were never WMD's is patently false. Iraq had weaponized chemical agents by the ton.

    Additionaly, according to UNSCOM Final Compendium Appendix III [S/1999/94] :1/25/99) there were some biological bulk agents unaccounted for:

    19180 liters of Botulinum Toxin, 8445 liters of Bacillus Anthracis spoors and 340 liters of Clostridium Perfringens.

    These agents may well be destroyed today. Certainly none have ever been found, which looks very bad for Bush and his neocon pals.

    However the problem before this all started was that Iraq was supposed to destroy these bulk agents under UNSCOM supervision and they didn't. Iraq claimed that they had destroyed them in secret.

    Again, I support neither Bush nor the Iraq war. I firmly believe that the inspections should have continued. However to claim that there was never at least some cause for concern is either revisionism or ignorance.

  • Corvin

    Sorry, just to clarify, when I said:

    There are no WMD's, there never were, and there never will be

    I was saying, albiet, not so clearly, but I meant to say that the WMD thing was just a smoke screen to mask Bush's real reasons for invading Iraq. "You forget, that's the man who tried to kill my daddy".

    Lots of countries have WMD's of some kind or another and many of them are all too happy to sell them to terrorists. Bush hasn't gone after them. The one country, North Korea, that was the biggest threat to this country at the time with their REAL and more advanced WMD programs, with all their saber rattling and such went undealt with by Bush. Anyone notice that?

  • chappy

    Just one more reason to have not invaded Iraq. Before the invasion at least we knew where the weapons were.

    Check out this inside look at Dubya: http://www.rense.com/general53/worries.htm


  • roybatty
    Lots of countries have WMD's of some kind or another and many of them are all too happy to sell them to terrorists. Bush hasn't gone after them. The one country, North Korea, that was the biggest threat to this country at the time with their REAL and more advanced WMD programs, with all their saber rattling and such went undealt with by Bush. Anyone notice that?

    I'm glad you brought this up because it's a perfect example. Back in the early 1990's North Korea didn't have nukes or a missle system that could reach the 48 states. The Clinton administration (along with the UN) knew that they were developing them. What did we do? We made a deal with them. Stop your nuke program and we're give you food, oil and money. The North Koreans couldn't believe their luck. Are Amercians THAT stupid? Ok, they, agreed to the terms. They took our food, took our cash and all the other goodies. Oh, did I mention, they kept on developing their nukes in secret. Ooops!

    Now ten years later we have to take it up the butt from them because they have nukes and a wacko leader. Hell, they won't even listen to China. Since they couldn't care less about their own people, what stops them from going nuts on us?

    Yeah, that policy worked great. Let's now let other rogue nation develop nukes.

    Fighting ones enemies is a dirty business.

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