by ohiocowboy 57 Replies latest social family

  • ohiocowboy

    I thought it would be neat if we could see what each others canine, feline, avian, etc.companions look like....

    Here's my love, her name is Chelsea, she is 9-1/2 years, and I have had her since she was 8 weeks old.

    She is a golden lab mix, thus I affectionately call her "Mutt Butt"

    She came into my life shortly after my parents disowned me, and having her has literally saved my life, and I have never loved anything more than her.

    Sorry the pic is so big, couldn't get it to shrink.

  • desib77

    I can't see it....

  • desib77

    Here's mine. He's a Lhasa Apso. His name is Lucky but my JW mother refuses to call him that so he also goes by what she calls him, Buddy....

  • iiz2cool

    I have 2 turtles, male and female. She lays eggs and he eats them, so it works out well. They also love cheddar cheese!

    Here's one.


  • Angharad

    Here are our two - one inside, one outside. The daft creatures were sitting like this the other day and decided to have a fight through the glass - both wacking the window madly until the one outside fell off the window sill

  • Valis

    Here is Sinnamon..

    and a link to ohio's doggy pic which I saved and hosted on my server for him..



    District Overbeer

  • ohiocowboy

    desi, Lucky is cute! Bet he is snuggly as a warm blanket!

    iiz, do you turtles do any tricks??? I love the way they can just tuck themselves in when they don't want to be bothered!

    Angharad, yes, definately do remind me of Bookends! What cutie pies!

    Valis, Sinnamon! Neat name-she does have a spicy look to those eyes!

    Thanks valis for posting mine.....

  • Valis

    ohio...you can go to that URL I listed in my last post and edit your first message...it will show up using my server..and if you ever need to host a pic just gimme a holla and if I'm around I will gladly oblige.


    District Overbeer

  • Descender

    These are my pugs right after they saved the world. IN this pic they still have their super-suits on and haven't dawned their leasure-wear yet.

  • Billygoat

    LOL@Descender They are so cute! I LOVE PUGS! They are so cute when they snore!

    It's always been a dream of mine to have a black pug named Nigel. Or a bassett named Elvis. Or two weiner dogs named Beans and Cornbread. I dream a lot. Call me Ellie Mae!

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