by ohiocowboy 57 Replies latest social family

  • Valis

    ohio...she is a fourth generation cat...I've know her mother and her mother and her mother...My kid's mom has always been a cat lover and has kept cats around always. She actually had several litters of kittens as well and of which many are now living w/my friends...her last litter came from the huge white cat who lived outside we called The Greater White...he was huge and well he finally got ahold of Sin and produced 6 all white kitties. They drove me crazy like a bunch of little white tumbleweeds on methamphetamine or something...we gave them away execpt 1. We called her Great White..she had one green eye and one blue eye.....two years ago this month she got out while we were on a day trip and drank some antifreeze..RIP..


    District Overbeer

  • iiz2cool

    Ohio, I haven't taught them any tricks, but they CONSTANTLY beg for food when they see me. Or maybe they're bugging me for something else sometimes, cuz they don't always eat the food. Maybe they want cheese all the time. Once I was eating carrot sticks and they started begging, probably thinking it was cheese. I threw some in and they immediately devoured it, only to spit it out right away and glaring at me with what could only be described as a look that could kill.


  • ohiocowboy

    Descender, with those caped crusaders around, I bet you don't have to worry 'bout anything!

    Thanks again Valis for fixing mine, very nice of you! Sorry about your loss

    iiz, mine does that a lot too, but usually it IS for food! She will eat just about anything, except for pretzels and popcorn, I have even tried tricking her by rubbing dog food on them, but she just licks the food off, and leaves the rest. Rottin Mutt!

  • desib77

    awww, Ohio, Chelsea is soooo cute...hehe, I wanna hug her

  • ohiocowboy

    Desi, Maybe at the next Apostapetsofest!

  • Angharad

    Cute dog Ohio

  • confusedjw

    2 Cool said:

    She lays eggs and he eats them, so it works out well.

    OMG - is this natural or did you have to teach him to eat his children?

  • iiz2cool
    OMG - is this natural or did you have to teach him to eat his children?

    He does it all on his own! But he's nuts. He'll attack anything that's in the water. Once I tried to pull an egg out of the water and he bit me!

    Hurt like hell.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    These are my babies, tillie and cash. the hind end at the far left hand side is Rudy. I raised him since the day he was born.

    Country Girl

  • confusedjw

    Oh Man - CG - now that is a place to raise kids!

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