Cheaters! -_-

by Obviously Secret 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • imallgrowedup

    Well, thanks, OS. Honestly, I didn't expect to receive any encouragement because I know most people would disagree. fwiw - in this particular instance, it is not because the woman got pregnant. It is because the woman told the man she would marry him, and when she realized that it wasn't going to be happy, she didn't feel as if she should go back on her word. She tried doing the right thing, and it just didn't work.

    OS, I know where these questions you ask are coming from. Please don't worry about being cheated on. You are such a special person, and I know that you have more love in your pinkie than most have in their whole bodies. Just give that love freely to the one you love, and it WILL come back to you.

    Love to you,


  • truthseeker1

    Hey good news, Perhaps to solve this problem it takes a shot to the head (no...not a bullet)

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I'm not sure that anyone would agree with you that cheating is a good thing for a marriage. You knnow that..


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I guess I'm a slimeball untrustworthy person but I never claimed to be anything else. I have had the respect of not telling my wife and thier are other very personal reasons as to why I may have cheated concerning my wife's health which I will not elaborate here, but I may have mentioned my wife's illnesses on other posts and have told some privately here about it.

    My wife has always told me that if I have had or felt a need to cheat just dont tell her. And as I have said in my orginal posts this was in my younger years for which I haven't engaged in this behaivor for over two years now and really dont feel a need to maybe its my getting older or my health starting to fail me as well, I do believe however that marraige is a vow and I dont believe in divorcing. I could never understand people who marry two or three times or more. Whats the matter with them. Its only going to be one time for me!

  • ApagaLaLuz
    I have had the respect of not telling my wife

    Is that respect? I've often thought what I dont know wont hurt me. But to me it's disrespectful to carry on in secret and make me feel like a COMPLETE IDIOT and so STUPID for not knowing. That's always been my thing in relationships, dont make me feel stupid. Then we go out with friends and everyone there knows but me. I mean how disrespectful, if I looked like a shmuck to everyone.

    My wife has always told me that if I have had or felt a need to cheat just dont tell her.

    I guess some women are just different that way. I for one feel that if my partner feels the need to cheat then there is no point in having a relationship. If I feel the need to cheat then there is a big problem as well. I could never do it, simply because of the guilt I would feel about hurting the person I care about. And if I felt like I could cheat without hurting them because I didnt care, well, I'd want to move on to someone I would care about hurting.

    sorry for the soap box, but this is a sore subject for me at the moment.

  • ApagaLaLuz
    Its only going to be one time for me!

    Of course it is, because you dont have to make the FULL commitment that a marriage requires from both sides.

  • IronGland
    Hey good news, Perhaps to solve this problem it takes a shot to the head

    Heh. The monogamy gene will be called "Pussicus Whippicus"

  • imallgrowedup

    LOL @ Iron Gland!

    Heh. The monogamy gene will be called "Pussicus Whippicus"

    CG -

    I'm not sure that anyone would agree with you that cheating is a good thing for a marriage. You knnow that..

    I'm not sure exactly who you were talking to in this statement, but I will say that in the example I cited, I would have to say that staying in the dead marriage wouldn't be any better for it, either.... but then, it is not my place to judge.


  • obiwan

    Well, no one is perfect, at least no one I know of. But I do know that people make stupid mistakes. People often think things are better on the other side of the hill. Then after they get there, they find out nothing is better, only worse. When a person comes to that realization, it's not long after they realize that they should have been taking care of business at home, instead of getting involved in someone else's business.

  • imallgrowedup
    Then after they get there, they find out nothing is better, only worse. When a person comes to that realization, it's not long after they realize that they should have been taking care of business at home, instead of getting involved in someone else's business.

    To expound upon that - (and using the example I cited above) - even if this woman leaves a dreadful marriage for another person and discovers it is a mistake - at least she has done something to improve the original situation she was in - simply by virtue of leaving. The woman has wanted out for years, but just never got the guts to actually leave. At least with someone new that she truly cares about and has great hope for, she has finally found the catalyst that gives her the boost to remove herself from her unhealthy marriage. Then, if that next relationship disappointingly turns out to be just a temporary "fix", no matter how much effort she puts into it, at least she finally has made the break to start a new life - 'cuz she sure as heck ain't wanting to go back to the original marriage. And hopefully this time, she will employ the experience she gained and make better choices in the future.

    My .02,


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