HA! i never started a BS...shit i hardly even made a RV. i would pretend to knock on a door and then go on a "break" for an hour then pretend to knock on another door and then go on "break" again. good times!! i never studied w/ my neighborhood friends when i was a kid but i sure liked playing baseball with them.
Ever start a BS?
by PopeOfEruke 33 Replies latest jw experiences
I only started eating hay recently
Interesting thread. I never personally started one, but my mom managed to start A TON! Which sucked for me, because then, during my summer breaks, I had to go on her damn studies...lol. Of course, that was before I was baptized at 13 (REAL smart) and then felt the need to aux pioneer during the summer.
I agree w/ an earlier post, I was not all that great about making RV's (back calls, for those of you from back in the day....lol). I usually lost my house-to-house record or used it to roll a doobie or something.
RE: Having to study w/ your 'friends' in school. I was the only witness kid in a town of about 4,000 people. I NEVER talked about being a witness at school unless it was to (lamely) try to defend the whole stupid holiday/birthday issue. So I HATED service on the weekend because invariably I'd call on someone I knew. And whatever idiot went to the door with me was always like "you should have used your personal knowledge of that householder to give an individual witness"....I was like, "How 'bout I use this heavy-ass bookbag to give you a concussion".....
Freedom Fighter
My mum and her old " Dub Dame " friends would often find themselves bible studies who needed looked after! These people included alcoholics and long term disabled. Instead of being taught the bible, the Dub dames would spend their time doing these people's housework and solving their domestic problems like unpaid social workers.
I will also never forget being dragged along to one of these studies when the householder was so drunk they fell asleep during the first chapter of the paradise book! But don't worry! It took more than that to dissuade a Dub Dame!
I started several BS in the door to door one resulted in 3 getting baptized. I used to turn over studies to JW's who I felt were more compatable in personalities or life situations,,several progressed in this way. These are just the ones that come to mind with a few minutes of recollection,,I am sure if I dig deeper some more will surface.
Not very proud of it but what did I know at the time.
There was one brother I would work with who was very gifted at starting studies and was alway giving them away to other JWs. Even after a study would cancel he was alway able to restart it,, he was a real salesman,,who knew how to use fear and guilt to keep people "interested" he died in 1975,,and would say often to different house holders: "In just 24 more months this world will experience the worst disaster ever let me read this scripture in Jeremiah 25: 32,33,,it would get them 75% of the time because he spoke with such conviction.
Frankiespeakin, the guy sounds like any great Amway salesman.
The couple of studies I had, I hated! Especially after the first few "freebies" ran out and you were supposed to open them with prayer! God I hated that! Normally they would fold in a couple more weeks once the praying started. And I was so glad....
Started several studies and when I left original cong. turned them over to so-called friends.two I heard were baptized. The wife of one of them was suppose to be baptized to but didn't stay in touch. Yes! BS very fitting.
Nope,and thankfully I didn't.
I remember studying with my "worldy ' friends so i could be friends with them, I never appreciated what good friends they were for going along with it. She even came to a few meetings so my folks didnt think we were faking it, We were 13
Here's a sad story. :D
My first year in school, I had the most wonderful teacher. When she was told I couldn't participate in the daily prayers and why, she decided that I could do my own bible reading to the class every morning. Her purpose was to help me feel better, but unfortunately it only made the other kids think I was weird. So, as a little 6-year-old girl, there I was conducting a study with my kindergarten class every morning.
Yeah, I was real popular.
But as for FS, no. I never, in 15 years of preaching, 2 as a pioneer, started a BS.