Men With Older, Uglier Women.....

by Country Girl 45 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I liked all the fuss on the thread about younger girls. I once was a younger girl, and I could command any man to do what I wanted because I was beautiful and young. Now that I am older and uglier, I have to use my wits. I once was a beautiful young vixen, sloe eyes, dark skin, curly dark hair, and a body to die for. Now I'm older, fatter, and my face and body are headed south to Mexico. Fortunately, Mexico is a good place. My Mother, JW pioneer that she is, compared me with Jane Mansfield, which really upset me because Jayne Mansfield was only know for her body, but not for her brains. I always wanted to be known for my brains. I have big hooters <scary> and I wish I could cut them off... and being very scared... I was scared of men. I have found many friends on this board that don't CARE if I am skinny, or pretty, or lovely. IN fact, I have actually found many friends that just like me for what I am.. and that, to me, is the true measure of friendship and love.

    No matter how fat I get, or how ugly I get.. these people like me for ME. That is what I rely on. I know I am ugly.... and fat.. and gross... but there are people that really like me for me/


  • Markfromcali

    Here's one for you CG:

    The 'what is your basic attitude about life' thread inspired a zen koan for me: Timmy! (from South Park) I will have to say that sometimes when people are going on about looks.

  • notperfectyet

    We don't just like you,

    We love you!!!!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Country Girl, I saw your apostafest pics. Honey, you may have changed since you were younger but you are beautiful in a different way. People who think only young girls and women can be lovely, well they deprive themselves of a lot of beauty. Their loss!

    Here's another older, fatter woman posting on your thread. Me.

    Hey, if older and fatter is a bad thing then why do I have a handsome bestfriend/lover that is 14 and half years younger than me? I asked him the other day would he still find me attractive if I weighed 450 lbs. He got this mischievous look on his face and said, "Hmmmmmm, I bet you'd feel very, very soft. That might be kind of fun." Lucky, lucky me.


    PS: Oh and by the way, he pursued me and had to convince me that he was not too young for me. I'm glad he is very persuasive.

  • Maya


    I saw your pics from the Dallas party.............

    You are NEITHER fat nor ugly.........

    All of us gals have days when we look into the mirror and think......

    "Oh, shit........Could I BE any uglier?"

    but what really counts is what's inside..........

    Your ability to sympathize with others.......

    making the rest of us smile, when we really want to cry............

    and the loyalty you show to the ones you care about...

    I wish I could be HALF the person you

    and I appreciate you for who you are RIGHT now..........

  • truthseeker1

    Why are people stuck on what they look like on the outside? You just need to be good lookin' on the inside. That all you have complete control over and that doesn't fade with age.

  • Country_Woman

    Reading the topic, my first thought was: well maybe she is loaded.... that would be a reason too.

    Reading your post, my second thought was: well this board is full of virtual friends - nobody is seeing each other (apart from a happy few that actually are able to meet each other) since you gain your friends by the way you present yourself in your posts - its very logical that they like you for your brains, your personality.

    But I do agree: getting older and wiser let you make some friendship that does'nt depends on your figure.......

  • Puternut

    Country Girl,

    There is more than physical beauty, no matter what age. I have met women that are young, and have everything in the right places. But even 'some' of them have no brains. So the point is, what good is it to have a knock out woman, with whom you can't have a decent conversation. IMHO, I'd rather be talking to someone with a brain and a sense of humor, rather than the other way around.


  • Country_Woman


    He got this mischievous look on his face and said, "Hmmmmmm, I bet you'd feel very, very soft. That might be kind of fun." Lucky, lucky me.

    makes me smiling and thinking: "maybe even more to love "

  • Double Edge

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