US Hostage, Paul Johnson, Beheaded

by DevonMcBride 178 Replies latest social current

  • Crazy151drinker
    Thought-provoking question: Why was OPEC established?

    To F the rest of the world. To support terrorists.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    It is sick. Just sick. But the thing is, if we GIVE IN to them we will sign our own death warrants. We have already stated that whatever they do, they are doing it with an evil heart...and an evil heart is displeasing to God. We are avenging these deaths, and that is just and noble. CG

  • Yerusalyim


    Here's why OPEC was founded,

    The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) comprises countries that have organized for the purpose of negotiating with oil companies on matters of petroleum production, prices, and future concession rights. The members, which constitute a cartel, agree on the quantity and the prices of the oil exported. The OPEC headquarters is situated in Vienna, Austria. OPEC seeks to regulate oil production, and thereby manage oil prices, in a coordinated effort among the member countries, especially through setting quotas for its members. Member countries hold about 75% of the world's oil reserves, and supply about 40% of the world's oil.

    Since worldwide oil sales are denominated in U.S. dollars, changes in the value of the dollar against other world currencies affect OPEC's decisions on how much oil to produce. For example, when the dollar falls relative to the other currencies, OPEC-member states receive smaller revenues in other currencies for their oil, in turn causing substantial cuts to their purchasing power, because they continue to sell oil in the U.S. dollar.

    OPEC decisions have a large influence on world price of oil. A good example of this in action was the oil shock following the Yom Kippur War which led to fourfold increases in the price which lasted five months, starting on October 17, 1973 and ending on March 18, 1974. Also, OPEC nations agreed on January 7, 1975 to raise crude oil prices by 10%.

    Unlike many other cartels, OPEC has been successful at increasing the price of oil for extended periods. Much of the success of OPEC comes from the willingness of Saudi Arabia to tolerate cheating on the part of other cartel members and to cut its own production when other members go over theirs. This actually gives them good leverage, since with most members at full production, the Saudis are the only ones with spare capacity and the ability to increase supply if needed.

    The policy has been successful in the past, causing the prices of oil to rise to levels that otherwise are not reached by raw materials, but only by industry products. However, OPEC's ability to raise prices has some limits. An increase in oil prices decreases consumption and could cause a net decrease in revenue. Further an extended rise in price can encourage systematic behavior changes such as the use alternative energy solutions or increased conservation.

    Leading up to the 1990-91 Gulf War, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein advocated that OPEC push world oil prices, thereby helping Iraq and other member states service debts.

  • roybatty
    That's very very sad. These companies need to get their people out of there.

    This is what the Saudis are worried to death about. All the forgieners leaving and no one left to service them.

  • SwordOfJah

    Mulan: To answer your question, have you ever seen the movie "Air Force One", just replace Harrison Ford with George W. Bush.

  • ThiChi

    Repost.... I am mad has hell. What animals. Once more, they referred to their victim as the "infidel." The implications of this is chilling, and makes me more convinced that our cause is "just" to remove these sick bas**rds from the face of the Earth.

    The photos are on the Druge Report.....

  • Yerusalyim

    Don't you realize this wouldn't happen if the United States made sure there were no poor people in the middle east.

  • wednesday

    I will tell u how sick this has made me

    it has made me think maybe the end of world theories, aka, jws, are possibly right.

    I just do not see how this can possibly end up good.

    Either we kill them are they are going to kill us.

    We are at war and people want to impeach the president who is trying to rid the world of these terrorists.

    We are going PC ourself to death.

  • dolphman
    We are going PC ourself to death.

    Truer words were never spoken. Is it too late to append that to the bible? Sounds like prophecy to me.

    It's funny how people will always find an excuse for this sort of thing. The truth is we've been at war with Islam since it's founding. Our societies are two polar opposites. All our good too shoo boo hoo oh look poor iraqi prisoner were sorry attitude has only made us more ripe for the picking. How can u possibly win the hearts and minds of someone who beheads people with a combat knife? At least have the decency to head down to Home Depot and buy an axe and make it as quick as possible.

  • Yizuman

    I agree that we're PCing ourselves to death. We need to get much much more tougher on terrorists, much more than ever. Screw the PC world of what they think. We're being too soft on terrorism and it's getting more and more innocent people killed. So yeah, I think we should pull out of Saudi Arabia, let them get scared. If they're serious about doing business with us, they better start cracking down on the terrorists and kill them all. Let them deal with the problem since it's their own people. In fact, I think we should pull out of the Middle East altogether and let the sick bastards kill each other. Yiz

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