The meetings are getting oh so painful!

by TweetieBird 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    Last night's meeting was sooooo boring, I was in pain. I have been a witness my whole life and it's the same ole thing, meeting after meeting.

    Listen up, governing body...if you want to keep the rank and file from leaving (by the way, our congregation is missing half of it's publishers from the meetings on a regular basis) PLEASE change the format of the meetings. I don't know how much more I can stand.

    Last Sunday, we had 68 in attendance at the Public talk and 3 less that I know of for the WT study (cause we left). We have 110 publishers.

    And while you making changes...drop the judicial committee meetings, do away with disfellowshipping and shunning, stop making people report their time, drop the meetings to 1 hour a week, and stay out of people's personal lives.

    Sorry, I had to vent.

  • Vivamus

    Vent away .... we all need that at times. Why do you keep tormenting yourself with going?


    Blue Bublegum Girl

  • TweetieBird

    Family and close friends

  • Vivamus

    Ah yes, that does make it difficult to just leave and don't go back ...

  • patio34

    Oh TweetieBird, that's soooooo sad for you!!!

    I hope you can fake quite a few "illnesses" or excuses to miss. Do you do any writing such as personal journaling while you're there. Lol, once---and I felt a tad guilty!----I was working on a personal project writing, writing, writing! It looked as tho I was engrossed in the meeting. One of the JWD posters used to take his laptop and post to this board while at the meeting! The "brothers" told him it looked bad and he said he was "just doing research," lol.

    You have my sympathy!


  • iiz2cool
    drop the judicial committee meetings, do away with disfellowshipping and shunning, stop making people report their time, drop the meetings to 1 hour a week, and stay out of people's personal lives.


    You're not looking for major changes, are you?

    They could easily drop the meetings to 1 hour a week - or even 1 hour a month without sacrificing any content. They'd just have to cut back on some of the repitition.


  • DanTheMan

    Sounds like the Reynoldsburg Ohio congregation that I used to attend. Very painful meetings. I used to laugh at the corny fake JW-meeting pictures they put in the rags where all the seats are filled and everybody is smiling and everything is oh so pleasant. I wish they would put pictures of *real* congregations taken during *real* meetings in the mags! LOL

  • boa

    I understand my friend, i understand....

    If I had to go to a meeting now, well, I would have to do a slow strip throughout the whole thing just to liven things up a bit and keep me busy and others, well, on the edge of their seats....

    boa....damn done with dem damn meetings....

  • MegaDude

    Do what the Gov. Body does. Skip the meeting or sleep through it.

  • frankiespeakin


    I know how you feel I went to the meetings about 8 or nine times after finding out the &&&&.

    I wish you didn't have to go. I'm very sorry that your forced to endure that and am trying to send you good energy to rise above everything.

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