The meetings are getting oh so painful!

by TweetieBird 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Flash

    Listen up, governing body...
    That's the problem, they DON'T listen. They have ALL the answers! They know everything and we know nothing!!

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    and maybe have some bus outings and disco parties like we did in the seventies~

    And dance with the old guy from the Six Flags commercials

  • simplesally

    The problem with bringing your laptop is someone would see you posting or see the web page you were on!

    I vote for the 'personal journaling' idea!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Tweety, you need Mulan's Bullshit Bingo thread....THAT oughta brighten up your outlook on meeting attendance, eh?

    Frannie B

  • Carmel

    Woman stabs self in foot with dull stick, complains of pain. Does it again, wails in agony, does it again. Family pays no attention, "friends" are such based on woman continuing to stab herself in foot. Here, let me have that stick, I'll stap it into the other foot (changed format).

    Woman releaved! Now pain is symetrical. Friends still want more stabbings, family doesn't give a @$%# just keep stabbin!


  • frankiespeakin

    I'm sorry tweety that I used your need for encouragement to vent my hatred for the lies we all have had to suffer.

    You need strength to endure with you self intact. Sometimes I as well as other get so mad at what you are enduring that we don't respond right,, but know this you are not alone,,we may not always know how to express ourselves in the right way.

    I'm praying for you.

  • Leolaia

    I don't want to scare ya. But 5 hours a week amounts to 260 hours a year. That is, nearly 11 whole days (24 hours straight) are spent a year doing nothing but attending meetings. That's not counting assemblies and conventions, let alone door-to-door preaching, etc. If you've been in the trooth for a decade, that amounts to 108 hours per decade. Those poor fools who have been in it for 30 years have wasted 325 days -- or nearly a whole year of their life -- sitting in those boring meetings. One year out of 30. Something to think about.

  • Country_Woman

    I was wondering: when you are going for your family and friends sake, there is a possibility that they are doing the same.

    why not make some very cautious questions ?

    Meanwhile, I do feel for you.

  • ball.

    I think the key to encouraging brothers and sisters to leave is to plant "seeds" of doubt rather than planting doubt itself. For example, ask "if the governing body were wrong about something, do you think you should bring it to their attention, and if they didn't change it does it mean you have a better truth than they have".

    Getting people to think for themselves is what it'sall about.

  • blondie

    Sometimes, tweetiebird, your family/friends will help you out without meaning to. After awhile their lies and hypocrisy will be turned on you or other loved ones and you will not be able to stand by silent. You find out who your real friends are and that your family only love you conditionally, controlling you.

    It is like straddling a picket fence, eventually the pickets get too high and you have to choose one side or the other. Ouch!

    Blondie (no longer straddling)

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