I Rote A Paean to Myself

by Tallyman 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman

    I just had to weigh in and let you all know that those (((HUGS)))
    from last week, were very much appreciated and savored by Moi.

    Also, to let you know, that despite KOMF's False Accusation against me
    last week - that I was "antisocial" - well, I just had to dispel that
    notion immediately, if not sooner, that I, we, me, Tom Talley, the Tallyman,
    who used to be the Tallyboy, and even before that, the Tallybaby...
    have ALWAYS been a gregarious creature. From the crib.

    Yes, I'm very much the social inter actor and thank God for the Internet
    that despite the socially isolating effect an illness can have upon one,
    one is still able to socially mix and interact with others.

    and then KOMF accused me of being "obnoxious"... ? ? ?
    Well! I never!
    How would anyone, in all the 8-9 years I been online EVER THINK,
    much less _Accuse Me_ of being "Obnoxious"... or "AntiSocial"...?

    Ahhh, yes, yes, I remember being called those things several times
    over the years, online, but it was NEVER by a fellow X-Dub,
    a companion fighter against and exposer of the Evil Watchtower Empire.
    Rather, those accusations (and many others!) were made by the Watchtower
    faithful, the devotees, the loyals, the dyed-in-the-wool fanatics
    who did not like my (the Tallyman's) criticisms of their "religion".

    "the loud, aggressive, antisocial behavior you exhibit online must be",
    (according to KOMF)
    Must be Unpopular with the online jehovah's Witnesses who would characterize
    it (Tallyman's behavior) thusly... because ANYONE who dares criticize
    the Watchtower Religion mildly, wildly, s o f t l y, LOUDLY!!! -whatever-
    would automatically be characterized as "aggressive, antisocial and obnoxious"
    - by those who hold their Watchtower Religion dear.

    But for a fellow / former jehovah's Witness who makes out like he is against
    the Watchtower Religion... and occasionally even actually criticizes it...
    to use those same characterizations of me that only the WTLoyals have used -
    well, maybe "As someone experiencing great emotional stress and upheaval,
    you [me] aren't expected to see the subtleties at work here..."

    Yeaaaah. Maybe that's it. I'm still so emotionally overwrought
    (good thing I'm a man, or I might be accused of being "hormonal", or sumpin')
    that I'm failing to get the drift of what is actually being said.
    That could be it.


    Or, it may be a case of KOMF being Emboldened to say those things about me,
    because his is yet "Another case of aggression emerging from behind the shields
    of internet distance and invisibility?"

    Ewwww, calling someone "obnoxious" and "antisocial"... Whew! Man!
    ... is that ever "aggressive", or what?!?
    but being able to hidey-hide, ducky-down, behind a phony name/acronym
    with a hooey-dooey email address... well, then, goodness gracious me,
    there is No Tellin' WHAT might "emerge" from the keyboard
    of someone - so distant - so shielded - so invisible.

    Ummm, help me out here, someone, if anyone will... I need understanding.
    Like somebody said recently, now who was it that said it?, well just
    somebody made the remark, that "there is a Know-It-All-In-Every-Crowd".
    If that's the case here:
    "Calling All Know It Alls!"
    "Calling ANY Know It All" ... please help me understand something.

    HOW does someone like KOMF, who says he has family still in the Watchtower religion, and say it is his son, and say that son is Very Devoted to the WT Religion, and then when I question HIS ANONYMITY and INVISIBILITY,
    after, once again, he has Falsely Accused me
    of being anonymous, distant,
    invisible, shielded...

    how (why?) would he/could he come back with the retort:

    "...it's understandable that you would so easily overlook
    the obvious reason why I don't reveal my name
    and particulars online.
    I have a son still in.
    He is a very zealous witness; extremely so.
    But for reasons only he knows, he does not shun me
    or his disfellowshipped brother.
    I expect that
    if he knew of my activity as KOMF,
    that would change.
    I'd rather it didn't."

    ...then IF that is the case, how could someone then be IDIOT enough
    to plaster a photograph of himself beside EVERY post he puts up
    on this Discussion Board, where lurkers abound... and NOT expect
    someone recognizing the face of "KOMF", as being the father of
    that Zealot Son, and getting word back to that WT Extremist Son,
    that his Dad is online engaging in all kinds of "activity"...
    I don't understand.

    Hey, like the saying goes: "It's a small theocratic World!"...
    and the Internet reduces the size of it even more.
    Sooner or later... B u s t e d !
    Matter o' time.

    Can some Know-It-All out there, here on the DB help me to understand
    this "logic", since it is so "obvious" (to others?)
    and could be so "easily overlook(ed)"?


    Unless, UNLESS, the photograph beside the fake KOMF acronym
    is ALSO fake. That's it! It's a fake photograph.
    Something pulled out of a little metal frame purchased at Wal-Mart.
    A sample picture of a smiling Dad. Right?
    EVERYTHING would be CONSISTENTLY Phony and Anonymous and Invisible.

    Now, even overwrought I, can see the "obvious reason(ing)" behind that.

    Okay. 'Nuff said.

    - - -

    Now, getting to the title of this thread:

    "A Paean To Myself"...

    I rolled out of bed this morning and hit the floor (I meant to do it!)
    (I could have defied gravity, but I chose not to do so.)
    and I said to myself: "I AM god!" "I AM god!" "I AM god!"
    (I said it three times for emphasis!!!)
    and I looked out the window and the day was wet, cloudy and dreary...
    but since I am in control of EVERYTHING as god, as the "I AM", I am,
    I did not want it to be sunshiney and nicey, as god.

    And then I walked up the hall to go and sip my Ambrosia,
    which is coffee, which is the Nectar Of The gods,
    I thought I felt pains in my muscles, but it was an Illusion,
    because I said it is so. As god, I Can Create My Own Reality,
    so I created a pain-free body, just as I created the weather today.

    Whatever the weather is like wherever you are today? I did that.
    Unless, you are god too, and I defer to your godship and accept
    that the weather at your location is of your own choosing.
    We gods are like that. We have a godship kinship.

    So, after my godly Nectar took effect,
    I decided it would be good, as god, to go and sit on My Throne
    and contemplate... and things went well and came out okay,
    and it came to myself, in a big burst, in a revelation... that,
    as god, I needed a Paean to myself, and who better to write it than me?
    (I know, I titled it "I Rote"... well, that's because it was by rote,
    because I Am a god, and this stuff is so mechanical, almost routine...)

    So, here it is, My Paean To Myself, I share it with all of you:
    I Am Captain of My Fart.
    I Am Master of My Stool.


    I thought it was a stroke of genius.
    Of course, being god, I would.
    That's it.
    Two Lines.
    Says it all.
    Why say more?

    Tom Talley

    (yes! it's a real name! and that is a real letter 'K'!)

    p.s. Understand, there are MANY subtleties at work in all the above,
    and I, as god, realize that most of The Great Unwashed here,
    will be "expected to see" them.
    (Ha!ha!ha!... how us gods DO like our amusement!)

    p.s.s. Soon, I will be making a guest appearance, along with Shirley,
    on "The Opera Windbag Show". All I have to do is will it, to make it so.
    And I will be there plugging my New Paean on her "Angel Network",
    and she will make it a "Paean-Of-The-Month" Selection.
    I will will her to make it so.

    ("I will will"... heee, didja get that??)

    p.s.s.s. Some may be wondering why I asked all those questions above...
    about grasping and understanding and all...
    because as god, I Should Know It All Already... well, remember,
    I am "a" god. lower-case 'g' god, and, so, well, you know.

    p.s.s.s.s Anyway, once again, to Omega out with the way I Alpha'ed in,
    I want to say, I appreciated all those (((hugs))) last week.

    Now, as god, I think I'll go give myself a (((hug)))!

  • Julie

    Hi Tom,

    Very clever, very, very clever.

    Funny you should post such a piece today as I was thinking of you earlier. Do you ever read a columnist named Molly Ivins? She's nationally syndicated and I love her style. The way she writes reminds me so much of you, I am sure if you are not a fan of hers yet you would be if you read her stuff.

    Good to see you out being all social and everything.

    Love to you my friend--

  • mommy

    Tally Tally Tally(three times for emphasis)
    That was so good. It has been a few days since I have laughed so hard, and I was truly amused. But then again I am also a god, and I understand because of the kinship and all. Thanks for making this woman smile and put a sparkle in my eye again
    love, and more (((((hugs)))))

  • wasasister

    Tally, my man! Great writing and amusing style.

    As someone who has tried to stay far enough away from the recent flame wars engulfing the sight that her eyebrows wouldn't get singed, I regret I'm beginning to feel some heat.

    I don't belong to anyone's camp, fan club, or "class". Many of the folks posting here have become my friends, in a very real sense of that word. I count you among them, and I hope you feel the same way about me. As your friend, I've got to say I think you have a wrong impression about COMF. I can understand why his words about aggression stung you, but since then he's sincerely tried to explain what he meant and move on.

    As for myself, I have found some of your posts do have an element of in-your-face, as do Kent's, JanH's, Focus', and even the loveable Uncle Bruce. If I were to point that out, I hope none of these fine gentlemen would take offense at it.

    Some of us don't have the freedom to reveal our identities yet. This does not mean we are hiding or cowards, only that we are making choices we feel are best right now.

    Come on, my friend Tally...let's all hug and make up, OK? Give El Capitan another chance?

    and since I NEVER do this:


  • Tallyman

    Truly Julie,

    Molly Ivins? You mean Moll?
    Years ago, when I heard Pat Buchanan or James Kilpatrick
    or one of those jokers talking about this woman writer who
    one of them described as "this foul-mouthed broad"...
    I just had to seek her out and read her stuff.

    I like her style.
    I would prune SHRUB-bery with her, anytime!



    You also?! ... a god(dess)!
    Now, I'm beginning to wonder HOW MANY of us there are here?



    Just doing my best to throw some subtleties out there,
    with a wink and a nod to try and dispel some notions,
    that dare I say it... I shudder to... that I am "antisocial"...

    Now, that's one characterization I just cannot abide.
    Some might start to believe that.
    So, as immediately as I could, I wrote the post today
    (a week after the fact - that's fast for me ... heee)
    to try and put the Big Nix on that one.

    Now, I've tried for years and years to show up the jWs
    as being very antisocial and I think many would agree
    they are a closed community and view the world as 'off limits',
    but to have a fellow former describe Moi as "antisocial"...
    sorry Wasa, I jes had to speak out agin that!

    "Obnoxious"... hmmm, to jWs, Yes. But to fellow formers -
    well, MOST of them, I've never heard that put to me.

    As for myself, I have found some of your posts
    do have an element of in-your-face

    Notice, that is the one characterization I did not deny.
    But even then, in-WHOSE-face?

    Some of us don't have the freedom to reveal our identities yet.
    This does not mean we are hiding or cowards, only that we are making
    choices we feel are best right now.

    And it is something I've repeatedly, over the years said I understood.
    That My Way, is not everyone's way... and people have their reasons-
    because of the Watchtower.
    Hey, it IS a Dangerous Kult/Cult/Sect/Alternative Religion (pick one).

    But those who live in 'Invisible Houses' should be the Last Ones
    to throw stones, especially at someone, who for almost a decade online
    has done everything in my power to Keep As High A Profile as I can,
    to make myself known, visible, close, unshielded - to Make Sure
    the Watchtower Loyals KNOW who I am.

    Who knows, maybe the blunt I gave KOMF today, if he's trying to keep
    a Low Profile, will give him a 'heads up' that showing his picture
    in public, alongside his posts, ain't accomplishing keeping a
    Low Profile...

    Come on, my friend Tally...let's all hug and make up, OK?

    Uh-oh! Do I feel a "Grope, I mean a "Group Hug" coming on?

    and since I NEVER do this:


    Oh wOw! I am definitely filing that (((Hug))) away, along with Riz's.


  • wasasister

    I'm always up for a "group grope" my man!

  • Farkel


    I won't add to anything everyone else said, as I don't want to help suffocate you in love (perhaps that is an impossibility, anyway)!

    Besides that, you already know that I love ya, guy!

    You said this:

    : HOW does someone like KOMF, who says he has family still in the Watchtower religion, and say it is his son, and say that son is Very Devoted to the WT Religion, and then when I question HIS ANONYMITY and INVISIBILITY, after, once again, he has Falsely Accused me
    of being anonymous, distant, invisible, shielded...

    COMF is anonymous for the reasons he's stated. He is not anonymous in some cases. I happen to know the guy and we speak from time-to-time. I think you might be making too much over what he said. Well, at least, that's what I think, but I don't walk in your moccasins, so I have no right to judge your reactions. We all have our buttons, and obviously COMF must have pushed one or more of yours. You might want to ask yourself, "Did COMF intentionally push my buttons, or did my buttons get pushed because of what he said which wasn't designed (in his mind) to push any of my buttons?" If the latter answer seems more plausible to you, then perhaps you should not continue with your posts on this matter. Otherwise, say what you feel about it. It is good for the soul and if it helps you, then go for it.

    I have no doubt that Kent didn't MEAN to push my buttons, but he in fact, DID push them. I reacted because they WERE pushed. Kent was a big enough man to back down and apologize (Vikings hardly ever apologize, except when they burn down the wrong town and rape and pillage the wrong people and even then they say, "Ooooops! I didn't realize we were in Minnesota! Nothing personal, mind you!" Even then, they still keep all the loot they take! :) )

    Anyway, Tom: the most important thing is that COMF is COMF and he's always gonna be COMF and COMF is just the way COMF is. I celebrate that, even though I don't always agree with that. I'd be willing to be my last dime (if I actually HAD a last dime) that he would go the mile for you if you asked him to do so. I'd stake whatever reputation I've earned on that. And COMF wouldn't let me down, but not for my sake, but for his sake.

    Short version: let it go. Life is too short and you and I are too old to sweat the small stuff, old buddy.

    Working on Good Things Class

  • mommy

    I will have to jump in here and state that I have enjoyed many of the things that Comf has brought into my life. His pics that he posted are now on my desktop, even if my little girl did embarrass me by telling the doctor I have naked people on my PC. And I enjoyed reading an short story he posted a link to. Of course the discussion He and I had about the story did get a little long, with me left emailing and apologizing for my behavior because I thought I had gone overboard. But recently I have thought of our public discussion, and I will have to say I stand by my interpretation of it, I just regret the tone I said it in.

    Then I was introduced to the thread Comf started regarding Logical. I will tell you my opinion was forever changed about Comf. I am not saying I will disregard everything he will say, but I will say, I understand why Tally is still upset about the comments made about him. I will not go into much detail but there was a comment made by Comf where he stated,"I have more empathy than you have ever seen" or something very similar. This remark floored me...I had just read pages of his insensitive remarks for a human life, he did not know the whole story behind, but was willing to make such a bold statement. IMO the proof is in the pudding. Comf never apologized for telling Logical to "eat shit and die" He weaseled out of it and I saw the person I was speaking to, and decided to no longer comment. Just today I read a comment by him, that again floored me

    Re: Public Apology! Jun 23, 2001 10:13:55 AM

    I haven't read the offensive remarks you made, Kent, but a real apology always earns respect. And, "go hang yourself" sure sounds a lot like "eat shit and die."
    Apologizing for screwing up is a sign of character. now, if we could just keep ourselves from screwing up in the first place, huh!

    Well I have to say, Now I know.

    Tally, you go on screaming for whatever you feel is right. I no longer can stomach it. I feel that some people are good BS'ers and no matter what, people will like them. Which is fine and dandy in my book. I know many people I get along with who have no people skills or are so selfish, they refuse to accept others, or possibly are so afraid of feeling weak, they run from those bold enough to ask for help and claim to be weak. It must settle their soul so it is good, I suppose.

    As far as being a godess It was not until I read your post today that I claimed that title. You really touch my heart Tally. I do not know all of you but one thing I see...no BS. My kind of man. I will continue to read your posts and shake my head at the "obnoxious" ones

    love ya,

  • COMF

    Hi, Tom. Glad to see you're still here, and that you read my replies to your posts. They answered your questions, presented the facts, and explained my thoughts clearly. I'm happy with them. Whether you accept them or not is your choice, as we all know.

    There's one thing yet unclear to me though, and I wonder if you'd mind explaining it for me. As you know, I put this question to Farkel way back when, speaking of you:

    Another case of aggression emerging from behind the shields of internet distance and invisibility?
    You explained that you took this to mean that I was saying you shot your brother, not in defense, but aggressively.

    My question is: in that interpretation, what did you do with the reference to the internet? Where would "internet distance and invisibility" come into play in the confrontation between you and your brother?

    Thanks in advance for your answer.


  • Farkel


    : I put this question to Farkel way back when, speaking of you:

    : Another case of aggression emerging from behind the shields of internet distance and invisibility?

    You know that I know that I have absolutely no experience nor competence to intelligently answer a question like that. After all, I'm 1) Not an elder and 2) I don't wash windows or wax floors: ergo, I'm totally unqualified to give anything of value here.


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