Cut the cord. Sever all ties. Start new.
And she's right. She's seen me in the throes of leaving this cult now for 2 years and how it's ruined my career and further addled my brain. She (non-jw) doesn't think I will ever truly heal til I'm officially off their books and free of them.
Yet something holds me back from doing that, from having my name announced for all jws (who have already cut me off anyway). Maybe it's the idea of burning bridges or still caring what those bastards think. Maybe it's that I don't want to make them right about me, that "see, she went to higher education and now look! She's left the truth!" or, "She always was too outspoken..." or anything like that. Or, heaven forbid, that I've done the dirty on my husband, which I haven't, but you know how JW brains work.
I'm quite sure Mum is right because I've been floundering now for two years. I can't hold down a job, I lack confidence to go and retrain/study, and I can't get off the meds. It all went pear-shaped starting 10 years ago almost to the day (that's a whole other story) and ten years of mental illness and floundering around in and out of a cult and not knowing where I'm headed has left me a ragged heap of broken humanity. If I DA I have no bridge for future contact with jws but really, am I gonna need it?
I just wish I could get my shite together. Talking to Mum today and hearing what her workplace says about me (she got me some work at her school in 2013) about how terrible I was at the job (true; I had been out of that industry for 6 years plus I was mega screwed up from just having been 15 years in a cult) made me realise just what a shambles I really am. Mum supports me the best she knows how, having never been a Jw herself and not really understanding what I went through. She's right about the DA but I'm just such a wreck of a person because of all this I feel paralysed. She suggests a cult counselor but we don't have them in Australia.
Fml. What does one do?