Are you blonde?

by simplesally 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    Do you ever do dumb stuff or feel gullible? Someone ever play a practical joke on you for a long time?

    My ex and I would rent DVD's and as I would go to bed, he would turn off the lights and tell me he was going to rewind the movie. This happened a couple times a week. One night I took the movie back to Blockbuster and said to the girls: "Sorry, I didn't have a chance to rewind it."

    They looked at me like I was an idiot.......... I asked them what was wrong. They told me. I was so mad!!!!!!

  • Mulan

    Thanks for the chuckle. That's cute.

    You're serious?? (kidding) Understandable mistake after all the years of videotapes.

  • simplesally

    Yeah Mulan, true went on for months.

  • logansrun

    What went wrong?

    Bradley....kinda blonde.

  • confusedjw

    I used to change the oil for a friend and once told her to take the used oil filter back for a credit at the auto parts store.

    Put it in a plastic bag for her. Sold it with my best poker face.

    She did.

    They laughed - hard.

    She wanted to kill me.

    She didn't though, but she was blondish

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie did take a minute to catch the problem with the DVD "rewind"....heheh

    Frannie B

  • moonwillow

    That's cute simplesally thanks for the laugh, I needed one this morning and yes things like that have happened to me lol.

  • Xena

    The other day my boss was saying that she hated watches with no numbers on them....I loudly and proudly proclaimed that MY watch had numbers on it....then I looked down at freaking numbers....*cough* I never noticed before They are still giving me grief over that.

  • confusedjw

    SimpleSally - here is one for you along the same line.

    I was watching a movie with some friends and the picture on the TV was a bit off centered. The "mom" of the group asked me why (I used to be in the TV repair business). As she asked I noticed that the VCR was also off-centered in the same direction on the shelf below the TV, and told her that was why.

    She had her hands on the VCR centering it before she realized....

  • simplesally

    See some guys are just mean!!

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