What is Creativity?

by onacruse 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse


    It is also knowing that real creativity cannot be described nor defined. It just IS.

    OK, then...is "OK" enough to define "OK"?

    Does "IS" define "IS"?

  • proplog2


    Are you calling all of us here idiots?

  • onacruse

    proplog, considering the basic definition of idiot ("a common person"; by extension, "ignorant")...well, in the grand scheme of things, I'd say we're all idiots; though we do like to think of ourselves as being creative

    My question was prompted by thinking about "artificial intelligence." At what point does a robot become indistinguishable from a human being? How would we, as human beings, be able to tell the difference--especially if that 'robot' happened to be packaged in a suitably humanesque bag of salt and water?

  • proplog2


    I appreciate your effort to avoid conflict but Idiot is usually an offensive term. Until Farkel says otherwise I will believe that he meant to offend.

    As to AI. Creativity can be simulated by the introduction of some sort of randomizer.

    Creativity is not unique to humans or even "minds". Just think how creative evolution is.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    For me, it's a lifestyle.

    I live to create. I CANNOT (and have never) taken drugs to inspire my creativity because my mind is too active. I paint, and write, and draw.. and it's because I have to. If I didn't.. I couldn't live.


  • Corvin

    Lately for me, creativity is finding new ways to reach my teenage kids.

    Creativity is taking something that already exists and showing it to others in a new light (excuse the term), giving it a new and unique purpose. It could be anything from a broken peice of sidewalk that gets turned into an end table or the old country music ballad that is transformed into an alternative-punk jam. It's taking what influences us and trying to get others to see its beauty and function.


  • Markfromcali

    I'll say real creativity has a certain freshness to it, and is not necessarily a matter of a unique form that has not manifested before. It is not unlike those Mentos mint candy commercials actually, I always found that the idea of a Freshmaker is remarkably similar to the idea of beginners mind in zen.

    For that matter, I will say real creativity is without self or ego - so it is not a quality attributed to someone. Most forms of creativity tend to be limited in a certain sphere, the most obvious example being the different types of art. Conceptually I find the most interesting and enjoyable type of creativity to be humor, someone with a really good sense of humor will come up with really unusual ideas, and it can be considered a type of intelligence. The thing is, real creativity would include the ability to create a new self, therefore one is not limited to a self that happens to draw really well or whatever - so in that way I would distinguish between someone who has vision and 'a creative person.' But you cannot say that person is really creative if that person is no longer the same person. Creativity, humor, and freedom (from your 'self') - to me these all go together.

    "Nothing sticks to you, staying fresh staying cool - with Mentos fresh and full of life!"

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