Everyone knows that dogs are condemned because they have seven birthdays a year.
Concerning Birthdays, Dogs, and the Bible
by metatron 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
~~~World English BibleHis sons went and held a feast in the house of each one on his birthday; and they sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
Throwing out any connection to bad events or religious meanings that are supposedly associated with celebrating birthdays---
Some JWs feel that it causes "undue attention" or "glorifying" an individual on his birthday---but how can this be true? It doesn't "single out" any one person in paricular, because EVERYONE has a birthday! It's not an honor enjoyed by just a few select individuals!
I'm kicking myself now, when my Grandmother was still alive, she lived to be 107 years old. The family used to gather every year and have a dinner in her honor---they were so glad and thrilled to have her alert and functioning for another year!
Guess who wasn't there? Loyal JW me. And I always felt crummy about it because I couldn't really explain WHY and have it sound sensible. Gram died two years before I left the WTS......
There is NO reason not to celebrate birthdays.
Great observations. I'm thinking it would be pretty cool if someone could write a mock WT article against owning DOGS or PIGS as pets and companions, citing the Biblical "evidence" against them, kind of like that fake article on CATS that keeps floating around. The thing that weakened that particular article was the scant biblical references. I'd give it a shot myself, but I'm not particularly versed in the WTS writing style. Just a thought.
My niece just turned one on the 15th of June. Happy Birthday Monica.
As far as Job's children celebrating birthday, the WTS refuted the use of the word birthday or the idea of it being a birthday in one of their publications. Now you might now it's hogwash and I know it's hogwash, but a faithful dub is going to believe what they read from the WTS. So I usually avoid the Job angle myself.
I've found that you can't prove a Bible principle against birthday celebrating by the two examples the WTS likes to give. If God was really against people celebrating birthdays, he would have made it a no-no in the Mosaic law. And if it was really a big no-no, it would have been mentioned along with abstaining from fornication and blood. Somehow it didn't make the don't do list. So it must not really be that big of a deal to God if we do or don't celebrate it.
It wouldn't surprize me one bit if one day they came out with an article about how Dogs are evil. Think about it, are not dogs recognized for their characteristic of showing "Unconditional Love"-something that goes contrary to WBTS teaching, and which they know nothing about....
Job 1:4 (regarding JOB -- usually an example for everyone to follow, according to Watchtowerism.
New American Standard
His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.The dubs used to celebrate christmas at one time too. Don't you see....."the light gets brighter till the perfect day". Dubs have come a long way since then. They have come so far that some of the only things that are now lacking from them ....is simply not protecting pedophiles, killing people from abstinence from blood, ruining families, and teaching biblical falsehoods. Other than that......what the hell you complaining about?!!!!!!!!
If God was really against people celebrating birthdays, he would have made it a no-no in the Mosaic law.
Very true!
if it was really a big no-no, it would have been mentioned along with abstaining from fornication and blood.
Don't forget though that the prohibitions mentioned at Acts 15 were not meant to be an all-inclusive list of prohibitions but simply those that related to the issue before that first Jerusalem council.
Cheers, Ozzie
To me a birthday of a child is a way to thank god for the life of your offspring, yet to a dub it's pagan. "Scrooge Witnesses" would have been a fitting name for them.
Too bad that you're an exception to the rule with regards to the reason for which you would recognize the day of your child's birth. But you must admit that the vast majority of persons who do Birthdays do it for the sake of having FUN. It's simply provides them with another excuse to have a party. And THAT is the type of celebration that generally defines "Birthday". That's the way this practice began, and it has stayed the same ever since. Having Birthday parties is something that originated with the pagan world. The hearts of 'worldly' people are predominantly set on having FUN. The Bible recommends that our hearts be in the "house of mourning," rather than in the "banquet house". (Ecclesiastes 7) Anyone who doesn't know the reason for the Bible saying that would do well to find out.
As far as Job's children celebrating birthday, the WTS refuted the use of the word birthday or the idea of it being a birthday in one of their publications.--uncercover.
I don't agree with the WTS on this. I tend to think that Job's sons and daughters were very much into commemorating their own birthdays. Perhaps they were influenced by the world around them to take up the practice? Anyway, it is implied that Job himself didn't approve of the practice because he wasn't in attendance on those occasions.