The Surreal JW Horror show our agony and anguish

by Undaunted Danny 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    The Jehovah's Witnesses apologist can grandstand to the ends of the Earth,and they will still.....


    The only variable here is; will you also die broken and unsaved?

    [Notice; All Jehovah's Witnesses who have died,are all Still Dead Tombstone

  • kls

    Danny , i think we share the same mind and it scares me.

  • Elsewhere
    The same goes for four generations of my family.We SQUANDERED our youthful vitality for a deceptive and demonic cult.

    Don't worry... Jehover will reward you in the New World (TM) many times over for your endeavors!

  • Sunspot

    ~~~You seem quite fixated on hate.

    Then JWs should understand THAT concept quite well, since the WTS is focused on it!

  • keeshah

    I agree with you logansrun.

    Even after 12 years of being df'd, I was afraid to look at the "apostate" websites. Even the mild ones gave me the willies. I think you get more people questioning their faith will mild tacticts over a period of time.

  • Corvin

    Danny, I would just like to say that I certainly do relate to you. I have been following your posts for sometime now and it is very clear to me that you are a determined man with a mission. It consumes you as it does me sometimes. I get indignant at the organization and its robot-like members especially when they come around looking for chinks in my armor. I have come to view your anger and hostility as "determined focus" . . . as "passionate purpose".

    I hope that one day we will both be able to live a day in our lives when we do not have to even think about the WTBTS and just enjoy what we do have in our lives. For me, that will come when I know that my kids are grown, in non-JW relationships, non-JW marriages and raising non-JW kids. I can forget all about the shit then.

    I should like to spend a day with you and get to know you better.

    Best Regards,


  • cyber-sista

    I can relate to where Danny is coming from. Just being on this site we are all here blasting the WT in one way or another and we all have a different style in doing so. Danny puts a lot of passion behind it ,because like so many others he has lost so much to the Org. Maybe those who have lost less can be less passionate about it. In the Org we were trained to curb our passions and to stuff in all down. We denied our human emotions. We were told who we could love and who we could not love. I got hurt so bad by this Organization I almost took my life over it. I am trying to get past the pain, but after over 20 years of programming I still have a lot of junk to sort through. We are all here to heal and to help others to heal and to expose the WT Org for what it has done to ourselves and others. It's not over because we know there are many who continue to suffer under the WT regime.

    Go for it Danny,


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    I am witness of the Watchtower's family genocidal holocaust Jolly Roger
    A good Jehovah's Witness is to me what a good nazi is to a Jewish holocaust survivor.The fiercest enemy is the man/women with nothing to lose.

    Now I'm a nazi hunter and like them I never stop .Undaunted Danny takes out the trash.[ somebody's gotta do it] If they offered me hu$h money I might take it.
  • logansrun

    Yeah. This is NOT healthy psychological behavior. Just want to point that out folks.


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    It's incumbent upon the Watchtower to $ettle. [Matt.5:25] They owe me big,just on the principal amount I donated as cash contributions.

    I am not mad at the watchtower world. I demand justice from the perpetrators at the kingdom Hall that assulted and defrauded my family.That's just one congregation disbanded,out of what 60,000?

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