While researching a reply to another thread, I discovered "The Unbound Bible": http://unbound.biola.edu/. It allows you to search for a bible passage in several different translations, from King James to Douay to original language Hebrew and Greek.
I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that the New World Tranlation is not one of the options! Shocked that Watchtowerism's self-translated bible, which was self-produced without the aid of any "worldly" scholars, a translation which is self-described as the most accurate translation ever produced, is not present in this online bible translation comparison tool. ?????!!!!!?????
Why, WHY would the proprietors of Unbound Bible not want to include the mind-numblingly important New World Translation??? Why overlook this best, most accurate translation ever?????? What could cause them to not include this wonderful, accurate NWT, which has restored Jahoobie's invented name to places where it never was originally?????
Could it be......
~Quotes, of the "Sarcasm Mode Now Off" class
New World Translation: ignored once again!
by Quotes 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
It's a great site. I always use it to get the Hebrew Masoretic text or the Apocrypha and OT in Greek (LXX).
I sometimes kinda wish I had an online NWT. My copies are deeply buried in boxes and sometimes I wonder how the Witnesses render a particular verse....
I can pm or email you the nwt in rtf, if you want. It's 5mgs. Zipped, it's one and a half mgs.
Mmmmmm....Because as the copyright holder, the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses / Watchtower Bible & Tract Society has steadfastly refused to allow the NWT to be used in this fashion?
Can you copywrite a bible? Isn't something after a certain amount of years considered public domain?
I'm sure the WTS would not allow its accurate, superior translation to be alongside the inferior ones there.
They want to maintain their monopoly on "Truth?".
Nathan Natas
Truthseeker1 asked,
"Can you copywrite a bible?"
Why not?
Each translation is the work of a different individual or group of individuals, and each is different enough from other versions to be a stand-alone work. The copyright term right now is 96 years, if I recall correctly. We can thank Sonny Bono and the American Music Industry for that bit of brilliant (NOT!) law.
There is no "gold standard" Bible, because the original texts do not exist.
Just like if you did your own telling of Aesop's Fables, or the Thousand and One Arabian Nights, or any other collection of fables.
The Watchtower Socety obtained the legal rights to Byington's Bible in Living English specifically for the purpose of supressing it.
The Watchtower Socety obtained the legal rights to Byington's Bible in Living English specifically for the purpose of supressing it.
What are the details about that? How was I able to purchase my own copy from the WT then?
Nathan Natas
Yes, there are a limited number of Byington Bibles published, but when have you heard reference to Byington's translation in a WT talk or publication? Can you walk into any Kingdom Hall and get a copy at any time, or is it a special order item? How many copies are published each year?
I believe that the WTS is following the time honored tradition of buying up the rights to things that they want to take off of the market. I would b pleased to entertain evidence that I am incorrect about this.