If you had the choice ,when you became a jw,,,,,,,

by kls 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • gespro

    WOW! What a great thread. The comments cover the core issues of Dubdom and why it is so hard to shake off what was embedded in our personalities. I can't add a whole lot to what's been said except my own experience which is strewn about other threads on this board.

    I was born into it. It's a part of my problem coping with the outside world. I was devestated for a long time when learning the real truth. People have tried to talk to me in the past but, it wasn't until this recent trip back to the hall and seeing not love but, a hiearchy from these so-called loving shepherds made me think hard and on reading the CoC & Christian Freedom books I discovered the realities.

    I have two older brothers, the eldest untying himself decades ago from wt$ but was too tramautized to talk about it until now. The other brother, who lives near our Dub mother, will drink, smoke, curse, traumatize and abuse his family, holds onto the notion that it's 'the troof.' I've started the deprogramming with some subtle suggestions with him. We'll see what happens this year.

    Therapy specifically for childhood trauma has saved what's left of my sanity [with a doctor/therapist who actually believes in Jesus!]

    I probably would have been a Quaker if given the choice later in life but, I don't think I would have been suckered by anything if I was allowed to develop in a 'normal' situation. How is a child to differentiate anything until their mind is mature? I'll never really know the answer of "If you had a choice...

  • kls

    Seems being born into is much worse. I have guilt because i should have known better even as i was only a teen when i was recruited.I did raise my children for yrs as jws and still feel the hurt and pain it caused. Thanks for your feed back ,i learned alot

  • TallTexan

    I would have NEVER been recruited as an adult. If I hadn't been born into it, I would have never bought into their BS. Not that I'm smarter than anyone else, but I've always been so cynical as adult that I wouldn't have even given them the chance to indoctrinate me.

  • kls

    TallTexan, many adults feel they would know better ,but it seems some how you let your guard down and get sucked in, and as a adult you are making the right decision and know right from wrong,i am one as an adult that got sucked. No one could con me not even a sales person i was to smart for them but the jws got me.

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