Recent Changes In Me...

by FMZ 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Special K
    Special K

    I kind of like the new you..

    but I suppose its not the new you it just that your typing more on what your really thinking on things now but still some fluff to keep things balanced.


    Special K

  • gumby

    I'm just glad my buddy didn't live back in the hippy 'flower power" days of the 60's. Had FMZ been alive back then....with all that love he has, he woulda had kids all over the damn place.


  • SixofNine

    OMG! You MADE OUT WITH A STRIPPER in Dallas, didn't you??? LOL, let that light shine. Love is a beautiful thang, Jesus or no Jesus.

  • MegaDude

    As far as a philosophy of life, I don't see where you could go wrong, FMZ. Viktor Frankl came to a similar conclusion while enduring the hellish Nazi concentration camps. You might enjoy reading about his experience in his book "Man's Search for Meaning." I think a number of people on this board would attest to what a good book it is.

    A week ago I watched somebody being interviewed on TV talking about their friend dying in a hospital. The friend suddenly passed while she was by his bedside. He flatlined and his body went slack. Suddenly he came back and opened his eyes for a few seconds and said, "It's all about love. It's all about love." And then he closed his eyes and died.

  • Satanus

    Jesus hangs out at apostofests? So, valis is really the messiah? I'm glad for you, anyway.


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Hey FMZ

    when all is said and done; we must be happy with ourselves before we can be happy with another....

    sounds like you have achieved that. Congrats....


  • ApagaLaLuz

    Yep Darlin' Marijuana will do that to ya :)

    I'm just glad you only had to go to Texas to find Jesus, and not prison like most people do. Anyway, glad you're feeling so warm and fuzzy all over. You should feel blessed, not alot of people get to experience that. *muah*

  • RandomTask

    Just remember, the world is filled with less evil than you think. Evil just gets all the air-play...

  • FMZ

    BTTT... to remind everyone (including myself) just how important love is.

    Light, love and life to all.


    EDITED TO ADD: Yep, this is an old thread....

  • gumby

    My sweet little roomin buddy......I'm glad you stayed on your "love" kick. It's the best kick the world has to offer and it's a beautiful one.( I just could resist the last two, you know that)


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