Rumors started about you since you left.........

by avishai 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai

    I've supposedly been...



    a Satan worshipper.

    Running guns to bolivia

    In prison for murder.

    Dealing cocaine

    And in prison for life for murder.

  • Mulan

    1. Dave started his own religion
    2. Celebrate Christmas in July
    3. Are suing the WTS

    None were true.

  • blondie

    No rumors have gotten back to us yet. Probably because we accept no phone calls or letters from JWs and the few we see know better than to tell us such trash.

    But there is always tomorrow.


  • Uzzah

    I have heard that I:

    1. am just a bitter ex elder who is seeking glory for himself

    2. am gay

    3. am living a life of debauchery

    4. have married 4 different women since leaving

    5. have lost my mind and am psychotic

    6. have impregnated 2 different women

    7. am plotting to break into/blow up the Branch Office

    Ya gotta just love the WItness grapevine! None of the above are true but I am working on the debauchery thing! LOL and I am only occasionally a mental case but they don't let me out on those weekends! LOLOL

    Some JWs just cannot fathom that some people just want to leave. There always has to be some nefarious ulterior motive.



  • micheal

    am addicted to drugs

    got a woman pregnant

    i now have some very weird fetishes ( the ones rumored are not true )

    apparently i only love myself and absolutely no one else

    i'm sure there's more i just forget right now

  • blondie

    1. am just a bitter ex elder who is seeking glory for himself

    2. have married 4 different women since leaving

    3. have impregnated 2 different women

    There's three I won't hear about me.


  • RR

    Let's see:

    1. I grew long hair and a beard
    2. Run my own church
    3. have an anti-Watchtower ministry
    4. have divorced my wife an abandoned my children
    5. have written anti-watchtower books


  • Uzzah

    Blondie: That had me rolling on the floor.

    Whilst it is true those rumors are not likely to surface against you prehaps these variations might:

    2. have married 4 different men since leaving

    3. have impregnated 2 different women (hmmm I am stuck on this one. ummm you bought a strap on?)

  • ApagaLaLuz

    That I like to bite the heads off live bats...... wait!!!

    actually, there's too many to list

  • SixofNine

    Rumors? Did someone say rumors??

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