Rumors started about you since you left.........

by avishai 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • gladtobefree

    Well, the rumors about me started before I was DFed, but while I was having elders over to "help" me because I could not understand why sexual abusers in the congergations were allowed to get away with it. The first rumor was that I was on the internet talking to apostates. That was untrue, At that time I had NEVER opened an ex-JW site or read about or talked to ANY ex-JWs. (after I was DFed for being an apostate I did decide to check out the internet site and have become very enlightened, Glad I was DFed now.) Then, when the elders heard that they said that that was why I was "questioning" them on abuse matters. I guess they did not think it had anything to do with my father in-law being arrested for sexual abuse and the elders doing nothing. It had nothing to do with one of my baptized brothers abusing me when I was a child and it had nothing to do with my sister-in-law having been repeatedly raped by her uncle who was an elder. He had been removed for a short time and then made an elder again. It also had nothing to do with my BEST friend's "annointed" step father abusing the family physically, sexually and emotionally. I could not get the elders to even look into that when I was 15. I told them I was going to childrens servvices and they told me not to because it would give Jehovah a bad name. I was so STUPID to have listened to them at the time. But now I was done. So I questioned. But of course to them none of these were the reasons. I was just becoming an apostate.

    So while I appealed being DFed the rumors abounded that I was an apostate. Then, once I was DFed there were rumors that I must have cheated on my husband. NOT TRUE! I just wonder what they think now, since we both moved away together.

    Oh and the rumors that I had talked to Dateline and helped them with the part of the story about my father-in-law. Oh, but that one is true.

    At first the rumors hurt a lot. Now they just amuse me.

  • Emma

    Once you leave the "truth" you cannot be trusted; every utterance from your mouth is a lie or deliberate deception. You had the "truth," you trampled on Christ's blood, therefore you are evil.

    No one can listen to you because satan speaks through you and is trying to cause the downfall of the rightesous jw's.

    Now if this isn't a true Cult, there is no such thing. The "faithful" are prevented from hearing the real truth, not to be confused with the "truth."

    Sorry for the rant; I'm feeling really angry this morning.

    Emma, of the She Must be Possessed class...

  • avishai

    Thanks Emma. You've made a great point. Since they can't talk to us, it's very hard to refute these scurrilous rumors, which compounds the damage they can do, especially if they get bck to loved ones. For instance, as one of the ladies spreading the rumors that my little brother and i were gay knew both my Grandmothers, I'm positive she told them, as she is a notorious gossip. Fortunaately for my brother and I , we have no use for our brainwashed grandmothers. But if that was'nt the case, it could've caused serious problems.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Here's a couple:

    I'm a addicted to Speed (never even tried it)

    I'm gay (I luv em both)

    A Witch who puts curses on people (cursing alot is completely different from being a witch)

    Forced my sister to give up her son (not even worth responding to)

    Pregnant or been pregnant (yah, not true)

    Signed to a Record label (again not true)

    Dating a drug dealer (appearances are decieving)

    I'm Republican (hah ha ha ha)

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Rumors about the Big Dawg:

    Started his own religion. Truth: attends a pentecostal church.

    Became a pastor telling lies about the WT. Truth: taught a Bible study, taught and supervised the adult education program in said church, taught an adult ed. class teaching people how to evangelize cultist at their door.

    Became gay. Truth: prefers ladies.

    Quit the JWs to quit going out in service. Truth: spent more time street evangelizing, than I ever did as a JW (and enjoyed it more).


  • Special K
    Special K

    Actually Chevy I found this one quite funny

    A Witch who puts curses on people (cursing alot is completely different from being a witch)

    Well written


    Special K

  • Special K
    Special K

    I guess that out of all the rumour that floated around about my husband and I the one that hurt the most was:

    a couple of female J.W. friends that that were disfellowshiped some time after me was attributed to me, and I didn't have anything to do with them at the time. ..

    Sheesh.. Us apostates are some powerful, you knows. I must have sent those two old friends apostate satanic demonic thoughts through the airwave or something...



  • Sassy

    hmmm rumors about me...

    I have HIV

    I am immoral and wicked

    I only left the WTS because I have a worldy boyfriend (who I met after I quit)

    oh yeah..........and last but not least

    I am on an apostate board

    that one is true... tee hee but you knew that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • xjw_b12

    LOL at SixO

    Actually all the rumours flying around about CJ and I are probably true.

    Except for the one about slashing the tires on that 18 wheeler truck carrying literature parked overnight in the local KH on it's way to the Winnipeg District convention with the new releases. And I did not smear Lingburger cheese over the radiator while the driver slept. I believe it was Undaunted Danny !

  • kat2u

    That I was abusive to my children ... No way!

    That Ive been married and divorced again! .......been with same guy for 12 yrs but not married.

    Was fun though when someone mentioned my divorce that I Was able to say..." kinda hard to do without being married first!!!!"

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