Ok everyone I just talked to my ex-boyfriend. I am really emotional this week but thank goodness I kept my cool.
Earlier today I called him but his voice mail came on so I said "Hey I wanted to talk to you but don't worry about calling me back I'll put it in an email to you. Bye."
Well, he just called me about 20 minutes ago. He said what's up I didn't see an email from you. I just said yeah I decided against it. Blah Blah Blah....
We talked about other things, school, current events, family. Nothing too deep though.
Then he went there (which I was waiting for him to do). He asked me when I wanted to do the specific thing we do. Sorry to sound so mysterious I just don't feel comfortable with the whole board knowing.
I said that is what I was going to write you about in an email. I told him calmly: "Don't ask me for sex anymore." I am not ever going there with you again outside of a relationship with you. And that is obvioulsly not going to happen so stop asking me."
I told him that I am insulted and even hurt that he would ask me for such things. I told him you must not care about me at all. You know breaking up with you is still affecting me.
He said Sorry he didn't think it was a big deal since I went along with it and acted like I was interested. Which I did act interested but only to shoot him down later after he truly believed I would give in.
Stupid games I know. I told him all this and he said he was sorry and he wouldn't ask again. Yeah right less than 3 minutes later he asked again.
So I said as I have before every time you ask me for sex I wonder how many times you cheated on me. And just as before he denied it. WHATEVER!!!
Then I asked him How he could justify cheating on his g/f. He avoided answering me and instead made a joke: He says he is doing me a favor.... Blah BLah Blah....... Its for you. So I said I never call you and ask you for sex its not about me. Its all about you.
So I tried to corner him again and asked him the same ? how do you justify cheating I really want to know.
So he gets all serious and says I wouldn't have gone through with it. WHATEVER!!!! Which is exactly what I said to him.
Then he said really. So I said you know just to prove that you would do it would be the only reason I would ever go through with it.
So to that he said well than make me prove it.
So I just said you disgust me and keeping my friendship with you makes me feel like trash. Don't call me anymore. Bye. then I hung up.
Ok, I need to grow up I know.