WT says Governor and Secretary of Justice responsible for DECREASED JW membership
You can save and print all filed documents if you are suscribed to PACER, 7 cents per page.
by one 10 Replies latest jw friends
WT says Governor and Secretary of Justice responsible for DECREASED JW membership
You can save and print all filed documents if you are suscribed to PACER, 7 cents per page.
ECF/PACER LoginI tried to view the site and they threatened to send me to jail! Can you post the text of this page?
This is a Restricted Web Site for Official Court Business only. Unauthorized entry is prohibited and subject to prosecution under Title 18 of the U.S. Code. All activities and access attempts are logged.
I have general info only about the case I heard,
I lost Account number and Password to access PACER.
One, you oldtimer ( I say this because you are one of the original posters here)
More info or cut and paste would be appreciated.
Is this the Puerto Rico case?
Okay, what is this about?
It is a LAWSUIT in FEDERAL COURT for violation of usa constitutional rights of jw, causing decrease in membership. I dont have details yet.
I am trying to get my PACER ID and password to enter the FEDERAL court web site myself
My old pc crashed AND my backup database file (in zip disk) where i have my passwords is corrupted...
The END must be near my world is coming apart without that particular databse file.
You wont beleive it, but it is a ms-dos program secuencial access database (FIRST CHOICE) older than god.
Any way with the software it is so easy to create records AND search the database that i cant let it go. Unless any of you show me something easier to use, specially for searching and creating inmediate tables on screen..With that software i can create a new database, for personal use, in less than 5 minutes depending on the number of fields.
Thankyou one, please let us know as soon as you get things straightened out. I am dah when it come's to computers.
Wow! It's been a very long time since I've seen First Choice!
Let us know if you have been able to get that info!