My ex-wife is a psycho bitch...

by Abaddon 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Yeah......what Frenchbabyface said............AND

    are lending us a cottage in France this summer.

    I want to have my two daughters there for a week.

    another thing.......she is jealous as a sombitch. Even if she has no feelings for you anymore, the fact you are going to have a blast and want the kids involved, makes her skin crawl. Women can be that way sometimes.......weirder than shit!

    I hope your plans go through bud and you have a great time.


  • Abaddon


    I'd not noticed that smiley before -it's too light-hearted for her, have you got anything nastier?

    Leeha, thanks!

    bisous, I'd say guys are noramally the bad guys; I know that friends in similar postions to my ex wonder what her problem is as they are the ones with the shitty-end of the stick.

    gumby it's jealous of the kids being with me, not the cottage. Thanks for your thoughts.

  • Purza

    My boyfriend's ex is also a psycho bitch from hell. Completely self centered and thinks every thing she does is for the goodness of her child. Her court papers are maddenning. We are still fighting for more visitation time and we go back to court again next month. She is evil and won't give up trying to hurt him (and the kid in the process) because he left her. We don't get lawyers involved because we don't want to make someone rich just so they can fight for us. She has an attorney and we don't and a lot of the times the judge makes some concessions for a party representing themselves.

    And yes, father's get the short end of the stick in the legal system. It sucks!!!!! My only consolation is that the kid will see how insane her mother is/was in the long run. I have an ex and I am so over him that if he wanted to see his child I would be more than glad to accommodate him. But he has not contacted me (or his child) in over 10 years. Sad.

    I wish the best of luck to you -- it sounds like you are going to need it.


  • Elsewhere

    How 'bout those?

  • unbeliever
    My only consolation is that the kid will see how insane her mother is/was in the long run.

    Count on it.

    My mom never out right denied visitation. She did not dare because she was on the judges shit list. She did try to limit his time with us when custody was being decided and even requested supervised visitation. The judge ripped her a new asshole in open court and made her cry for wasting the courts time.

    After that she tried to make us feel guilty for going to visit him instead of going to a meeting or out in FS.

    Now years later I talk on the phone and e-mail my dad nearly everyday. We meet for lunch at least once a week and try and get together on Sundays. I might see mom about 5 minutes every now and then and we hardly ever talk or e-mail. We have gotten together very few times in the last several years. Now we won't even be doing that. My brothers and I finally decided to take a stand and not go over there for a meal if our DF'd sister is not invited. That won't happen so we will be getting together even less that before. So sad.

  • ohiocowboy

    Bitch Soapbox


    Mean Here are some psycho Bitch smilies.....

    Hope all works out with you and your kids. You sound like a great father!!!!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    One of my biggest pet peaves is when Grown F-N Adults use children as a pawn to prove a point or get their way!!!! GRRRRRR

  • talesin

    I just don't understand this mentality. First off, such hatred and maliciousness towards someone just because 'it is over'. I love both my ex's dearly, and they me.

    And to try to deprive one's children of their father's love. It disgusts me.

    Your girls, although young, seem to know what's going on. And take it from a girl, there's nothing she can do to break that special bond they have with you, their dad.

    I'm happy that you're the kind of person who can figure out how to get around her, oh yes, I know you can do that. :)

    You're right my friend, she is a cow.

  • flower

    You say shes reasonably intelligent but I cant imagine a reasonably intellingent mother not knowing how important it is to her kids to be able to spend quality time with their father...or how lucky they are to have a father who loves them so much. Anyone who would deny her children time with a loving father without a good reason is a selfish, stupid biaatch.

    Sad. (((((abaddon)))) hope it works out that you get to bring the kids and have a great time!


  • Corvin
    . . . What she means is she detests me and my parents and will do anything in her power to make seeing my kids difficult.

    There's not been one occasion in the past two years when she's dropped them off within a half-hour of the agreed time, for example.

    I left her ten years ago as she was an emotionally cruel bitch who had never really loved me but married me as I was a Mini with good prospects and an important Elder as a dad. I was her family in a box to raise her son and look after her. I did, for 5 1/2 years until I left for my own self-preservation.

    OMG, bro, you just described the demented pyscho bitch I was once married to. I totally empathize.

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