At least JW's have not contributed to the upheaval of world wars that have killed, maimed, starved people.
You're right they haven't. But that doesn't mean that they don't have blood on their hands. How many Witnesses have died needlessly due to the every-shifting change in doctrines, such as vaccinations, transplants and blood transfusions? How many brothers and sisters in Malawi were raped, tortured and murdered because of one idiot on the Governing Body who decided to change his vote at the last minute that would have allowed them to purchase a Party Card? How many have committed suicide because the Organization enforces shunnings, which cuts you off from your family and friends, leaving you isolated, devastated and all alone? Jesus never taught his followers to do such a thing; in fact, he condemned the Pharisees for ignoring those who weren't even members of their own families! He would NEVER have approved such a henious act as disfellowshipping someone because they didn't happen to agree with what the leadership said. Jesus didn't agree with the Pharisees; he called them hypocrites and offsprings of vipers and he gave them sh*t for "binding heavy loads" upon the shoulders of the average Jew. Sound familiar?
Nor have they encouraged genocide.
No, they just teach that 99% of the world's population will be destroyed because they didn't believe the WTB&TS.
Jesus said wide is the path to destruction - narrow and cramped the road to salvation - and few even find it."
Yes he did, but that certainly doesn't prove that Jehovah's Witnesses have the right religion. You said before that Witnesses don't "contributed to the upheaval of world wars that have killed, maimed, starved people". Well neither to the Mennonites or Amish. They won't go to war either. Does that mean that they have Jehovah's blessing? The Amish are very peaceful people---probably more than what Witnesses are......will they survive Armageddon? Oh, I forgot, that's only for worshippers of Jehovah. Wait a minute----Jews worship Jehovah (or Yahweh)!! They don't believe in a Trinity and they've been worshipping Jehovah long before Charles Russell ever came on the scene. Will they make it through Armageddon?
I don't hate the Witnesses. I think the majority of them are good and decent people and they have great potential. However, there is a major problem with the people at the top running the show. I was shocked and disgusted when I read Crisis of Conscience and learned about what really goes on behind closed doors. Don't kid yourself....the Governing Body has put itself in the Seat of God and they've got ALOT to answer for on Judgement Day.