best evidence youve found to turn someone

by crizlee 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • crizlee

    whats the best evidence youve found to make someone fall out of the truth? its kind of a hard decision for me to drop out right now because i was raised in it. plus i have some friends at my congregation that i grew up with. they say to beware of apostates, but i like to get everyones view on life so i looked at some apostate material.

    and i have to say this site is kind of misleading because curious jw will type and bam apostate site!

  • Lehaa

    My son was sexually abused by an unbaptised publisher and the elders did nothing about it. In fact the elder that we reported it to still takes my sons abuser out witnessing and takes him to all the quick builds with him.

    Was enough evidence for me.

  • crizlee

    this religion does sound wrong with all the mistakes they make, and they cover it up by saying its new light from jehovah. if im falling out, i would like to save others from this too, like my parents, my friends(but if you look at it from jw view point, im just stumbling others). lol to think i save people the oposite way around.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    View this video from the [[[ non-apostate ]]] History channel Video excerpts from History Channel presentation on apocalyptic groups { Must see }


    modem (low bandwidth) version

    DSl/Cable (high bandwidth) version Listen up!This is it mates.This is what turned me!

  • Corvin

    Prepare to be bombarded with just evidence and reason. You came to the right place.

    Anyone else smell troll?

  • Bubbamar

    I didn't leave because of evidence - I was DF'ed. I have since obtained the evidence by reading Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz. Its a must read, IMO, for any JW or exJW. Also, is a great site - they only use WT quotes to illustrate the insanity of the cult.

  • cuddlepie

    At 14 I started dating a 34 yera old paedophile. The elders never told me he was or had done it before. We both got introuble for improper conduct. They had files on him from his previous congregation. They put me on there little TRIAL and asked perverted questions off me. Just me and my dad (elder btw) and 3 perverted old men.

    I married that paedophie and he abused me they never said a word. So much for looking after the young ones.

  • TD

    I'm not comfortable with the idea of, "Making someone fall out of the "Truth.""

    JW's peddle the myth of certainty. They pretend to provide in one nice neat little package, all the answers to the most difficult questions humankind has grappled with since the dawn of our history. Questions like, "Why am I here?" , "What happens when we die?" , "Is there a God" , "If there is a God, why is he so quiet?" , "Why do people suffer?" , "Are better times ahead?" etc., etc.

    That's why the very first thing out of a JW's mouth when the faults of the organization are pointed out is,

    "Alright. If this isn't the Truth, then you tell me what is! If you don't have something better to offer, then why should I listen to you!!"

    Intellectually at least, the JW is willing to trade one organization for another. What he or she is not willing to trade is the myth of certainty for the reality of uncertainty. It's actually more important for a JW to believe that he or she has all the answers then for these answers to be true. This only gets worse as people age, but even some young people have a real tough time if you yank this "security blanket" out from under them. That would be cruel

    However when someone already has doubts, the JW belief system eats them alive with guilt. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is in for one helluva rough ride as the saying goes. It those cases, it would be cruel not to help.

  • truthseeker1

    Labeling a religion you believe the "Truth" and then asking someone to disprove the truth, is like asking someone to disprove gravity. Well, slightly different because gravity can be proven...but anyway. The person first has to realize that what they believe might not be what is true, otherway you'll believe any excuse to disprove any info that contradicts what you believe.

    For example, if someone says "Geologists don't say that since 1914, there has been a dramatic increase in earthquakes occuring" instead of answering "Lies, all lies", you might actually look into it for yourself.

    After that mindset, your eyes will be opened up to all the lies and half-truths the WT produces. At first it might look like little things, but when the whole religion has a foundation built on lies, how reliable is that religion?

  • greven
    whats the best evidence youve found to make someone fall out of the truth?

    Evidence alone will do little good. What is needed foremost is a willingness to consider other views and hence, the possiblilty of being wrong yourself. Here lies the crux with many witnesses. Unwilling even to admit they might be wrong, they go mentally shut as soon as they suspect anyone trying to convince them thereof. Therefore I recommend inducing them to think by asking questions. Throw some dilemma's at them, socrates-style. Hopefully they will open up and become more critical, then and only then, will presenting evidence have any hope of succeeding to convince.

    They say to beware of apostates, but i like to get everyones view on life so i looked at some apostate material.

    You seem at least to be openminded. Good. That's a start. What made you wake up and smell the coffee? Maybe it'll work on your folks too!


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