I'm not comfortable with the idea of, "Making someone fall out of the "Truth.""
JW's peddle the myth of certainty. They pretend to provide in one nice neat little package, all the answers to the most difficult questions humankind has grappled with since the dawn of our history. Questions like, "Why am I here?" , "What happens when we die?" , "Is there a God" , "If there is a God, why is he so quiet?" , "Why do people suffer?" , "Are better times ahead?" etc., etc.
That's why the very first thing out of a JW's mouth when the faults of the organization are pointed out is,
"Alright. If this isn't the Truth, then you tell me what is! If you don't have something better to offer, then why should I listen to you!!"
Intellectually at least, the JW is willing to trade one organization for another. What he or she is not willing to trade is the myth of certainty for the reality of uncertainty. It's actually more important for a JW to believe that he or she has all the answers then for these answers to be true. This only gets worse as people age, but even some young people have a real tough time if you yank this "security blanket" out from under them. That would be cruel
However when someone already has doubts, the JW belief system eats them alive with guilt. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is in for one helluva rough ride as the saying goes. It those cases, it would be cruel not to help.