What Are You READING?

by patio34 67 Replies latest social entertainment

  • joannadandy

    Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris

    and re-reading Metamorphoses by Ovid, no not Kafka...I hate him!

  • Fleur

    i just finished the Time Travelers Wife, found it by accident while looking for another book at Borders. loved it, read all 512 pages in 2/12 days. want to read it again and get it in hard cover to keep, i'll wear the paperback out.

    am going to re-read jane eyre, the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (always a good read) and want to read The Notebook (skipping the movie), like books better.

    Next on my want to read list are Farenheit 411 and Love in the time of Cholera. Maybe the Unbearable Lightness of being. want to read catch 22 too and also some books my jw parents didn't want me to read growing up: the scarlet letter, and what is that other one, the one with Holden Cauflield character in it? my brain is fried even tho iw as just looking at the title last night. its on the tip of my tongue.

    i could read 24/7 and never get enough. my husband is reading Al Franken's Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them and laughs out loud while doing so, frequently.

    want to read Michael Moore's Stupid White men too, but am really into fiction at the moment.

  • talesin

    Confessions of a Shopaholic, by Sophie Kinsella

    It's a fun read!

    How about you, Patio? Can I tempt you out of seclusion?


  • Nosferatu

    Even though I rarely read books, I'm currently reading "The Dirt", Motley Crue's autobiography. It's a fantastic read!

    Here's an excerpt:

    The place was crawling with vermin. If we ever wanted to use the oven, we had to leave it on high for a good ten minutes to kill the regiments of roaches crawling around inside. We couldn't afford pesticides, so to exterminate the roaches on the walls we would take hair spray, hold a lighter to the nozzle, and torch the bastards. Of course, we could afford (or afford to steal) important things like hair spray, because you had to have your hair jacked up if you wanted to make the rounds at the clubs.

    The kitchen was smaller than a bathroom, and just as putrid. In the fridge there'd usually be some old tuna fish, beer, Oscar Mayer bologna, expired mayonnaise, and maybe hot dogs if it was the beginning of the week and we'd either stolen them from the liquor store downstairs or bought them with spare money. Usually, though, Big Bill, a 450-pound biker and bouncer from the Troubadour (who died a year later from a cocaine overdose), would come over and eat all the hot dogs. We'd be too scared to tell him it was all we had.

  • slimboyfat

    I am reading this at the moment:


    Most of the stuff I read nowadays is about Jehovah's Witnesses in one way or another. Sad, I know.

  • confusedjw

    Snort 2.1, NESSUS: Network Auditing, REDHAT: Automation and Administration

    Yes, please do feel sorry for me.


  • nicolaou

    Straight and crooked Thinking by prof R.H. Thouless

    I defy any cult member to read that book and maintain their position. It was as instrumental in my release as both of Ray Franz' books

  • Sirona

    Well this is a bit of a sore topic for me! I'm studying for a degree and I'm currently doing literature. So I'm reading Great Expectations (Dickens) and Frankenstein (Shelley). Those two novels are literally coming out of my ears as I try and write an essay comparing realist and gothic elements.

    I love reading and this course is great, but it means that I only get time to read course material and nothing else.

    Good fun though!


  • Sweetp0985

    "The Bitten" the fourth installment of The Vampire Huntress Series from L.A.Banks....very excellant books...you must start with "The Minion" the 1st one...i recommend these books if you loved Buffy but these books are much much better.

  • CeriseRose

    Sexual Personae by Camille Paglia

    Eats, Shoots, and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation by Lynne Truss

    Practical Ethics by Peter Singer

    and wedding magazines. *grin*

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