Those true life stories in the mags

by trumangirl 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • trumangirl

    Those life stories of bros and sis's in the Awakes and WTs were always very inspirational and encouraging to me when i was in the borg. Everyone enjoyed reading them. Now I realise that these experiences would have been censored and edited for maximum affect on the readers.

    I was wondering if the forum members knew of any life experiences where the writer later left the borg.

  • dh

    i was a hells angel, into drugs, drinking and s&m, i had a beard and wore a cowboy hat, and called no place home, then one day after a party i was on drugs and asking myself why god would let the world be like it is, it was at that moment i heard a knock on m door, and it was two of jehovahs witnesses, they offered me the magazines and took them...

    yeah right.

  • Quotes

    I thought/think it was/is surprising that all of those stories read with the same "Watchtower-esque" narrative voice. The individual personality never showed through. Like as if the article was written by a..... WRITING COMMITTEE.

    You don't suppose they use a WRITING COMMITTEE at Watchtower, do you???? ;)

    ~Quotes of the "Narrative Voice Loud & Clear" class

  • Eyebrow2

    I always loved the awake more than the watchtower because of the life experiences as well as the nature and science articles...not very indepth, but interesting...and the articles about other cultures.

    Even when I read the life experiences way back when I often wished I could talk to the people myself. You could tell that the stories were edited of course, they were only a few pages after all...but of course they had to be the right sort of story for the mag.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    those like story's are pretty easy to expose as lies or coming from a brain dead zombie. bro klien joined the bible students in 1918 and went to the 1919 and 22 conventions . what i heard there was proof that this is jehovah org and i've been serving ever since. funny bro klein forgot all the fasle prophecies about 1920 ,21, and 1925 he heard at these conventions. enough said the wt prints lies about thier history... john

  • ozziepost

    Quite honestly, we find most life stories interesting, that's the way we are. Look at the "reality TV" we're fed these days.

    From the life stories in the magazines of people I personally know, I'd say they were basically correct in what was stated. Trouble is there was plenty that wasn't said!


    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

  • Simon

    We had a brother in our congregation who had his life story in the magazines. He had been a hostage in the London Iranian embassy when the SAS stormed it.

    (a lovely family)

    As far as I know they are still in the WTS

  • Tashawaa

    My sis got a write up in the Awake! An exemplary pioneer!!!! She got two marriage proposals from the article. I guess if you like the pic/story, you write the society and they forward the letters to you.

    She's out now.

  • Flash
    My sis got a write up in the Awake! An exemplary pioneer!!!! She got two marriage proposals from the article. I guess if you like the pic/story, you write the society and they forward the letters to you.

    She's out now.

    Now there's a HAPPY ENDING!

  • Jim_TX

    As a youngster... I remember my mom and sisters taking part in helping to transcribe stories for a couple of 'pioneer' gals who had been in since... well... for a loooong time. (They both were also 'annointed', too)

    I remember that they used a tape recorder to question them, and record their response. It has been a long ago, but if I recall correctly, they had a pre-written set of questions that they had to answer... to make things go faster... and be more uniform (hence the similarity between stories, I suppose).

    They transcribed the tapes later, and sent them in to the society. They later appeared as articles in the magazines. I don't recall how much was changed... I think that there was some that got edited and re-written though.

    Editors do it all the time.


    Jim TX

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