Paradise Now!

by new light 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • new light
    new light

    It occurred to me yesterday that, for the most part, the JW dream of paradise could be created by us lowly humans. Sure, the animal kingdom would still have predators and prey, we would not be immortal, and the weather would still have a mind of its own. However, most of the conditions you see pictured in JW literature could be created by us humans. Obviously, this would require us to ignore our short-term survival instincts such as greed and jealousy and work together toward a common goal. We would have to return to a symbiotic relationship with Earth using only organic products harvested reponsibly with a view toward future generations. We would have to get over the limiting concepts of posession and property, racial prejudice, and other selfish inclinations.

    Our health would absolutely improve. Who knows how long we could live in excellent health if we only ate nutritious wholistic foods instead of the processed chem-fest many of us presently live on? How much better would life be without the stress induced by a greedy, corporate world? Imagine how healthy our decendants would be after a few generations of this lifestyle. Surely, many of our worst ills, such as cancer and heart disease, would all but go away.

    Technology would still be our friend, but we would explore it first with an eye to conservation, then to usefulness. I'm just a dumb ol' high school graduate, so obviously my technical expertise is lacking, but I believe this could happen if we all wanted it too. If anyone disagrees, we use 'em for compost.

  • Yerusalyim

    Sorry dude, Human nature itself would have to change, and that ain't gonna happen.

  • FMZ

    New Light... what a beautiful post!

    This goes along with what I have posted a few threads about recently... and that is the concept of "love". All of the things you list (selfishness, pollution, war, etc) are all very much the result of us disconnecting from our love of everything, including each other, ourselves, and the very Divine itself.

    If we all made a concerted effort to love unconditionally, then this world would be a much better place, regardless of creed, nationality, race or religion. Admittedly, that is a somewhat unrealistic state of affairs right now (with no intervention), but that does not mean we can't do our own bit.

    This is all possible through "connection"... loving the Divine so intensely that it becomes part of you, and you become part of it. In doing so, you will learn to love and respect the very ground you walk on, and the strangers you meet.


  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Lol that's why JW's are JW's. They realised that that can't happen so they want a place that they have no idea what will happen there instead. I'd much rather want this world than a world with a bunch of kind of psycho people. Everybodies psycho though lol.

    But seriously think about it, would you REALLY REALLY want to be in a world forever with some of those people? Sure I love em to death but seriously for forever? God would have to do a total uturn on people's minds cause it wouldn't be no different from this world, well will be more fear. Seriously I wouldn't want to be in heaven if my mind was erased would rather have fun here and just die. Death is a beautiful thing when it actually takes it's course naturally and not because of some idiotic people and idiotic events.

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Btw Beautiful post New Light and FMZ. Alot of people make their own lives a living paradise pretty much. Man if I just had a little control I could do so much.

  • FMZ
    Man if I just had a little control I could do so much.

    OS mate... you apparently don't realize just how much power you have. Ever heard the expression "He doesn't know his own strength"?


  • jaredg

    ahhhh the perfect utopian society. i should have grown up a flower child living off the land and smoking weed. it's been attempted before but no utopian society can survive for a lengthy period of time.

  • SAHS
    If anyone disagrees, we use 'em for compost.

    That?s right. Just picture this:

    Can you imagine what it would be like if the WTBTS actually took over the world somehow and ruled exclusively? No Dateline, no Hague Convention on Human Rights, no ?worldly? police, etc.?

    Suppose someone doesn?t ?tow the line,? or (heaven forbid!) commits some kind of ?infraction? (like saying the ?F?-word, necking too much with their girlfriend/boyfriend, gossiping/complaining about the Society, drinking too much, etc., etc. . . .). Just imagine what would happen to them! I think that there would no-doubt be executions, and a lot of them. You think the Taliban is bad? If someone cursed or swore, they would probably get a public lashing. And if someone didn?t leave their ?trouser snake? alone, there would probably be a hanging (of course, televised on a live video feed on an electronic ?TheoNet?).

    So, lots of trees, birds, fruits/vegetables, singing . . . you bet. But . . . well, let?s just say, ?disagreeing? would not be in your best interests. Although, it would benefit those fruits/vegetables?there?s nothing like compost for the garden!


  • ohiocowboy

    Paradise could happen if everyone would only Visualize Whirled Peas!!! Peace Sign

  • Carmel

    YRU's view of human nature is pretty typical of the reactionary religous right. If one believes we are "born in sin" are evil by nature and cannot change, then they are deluding themselves. Not only is humanity changing, we are learning from our mistakes. There are still those that will prefer to belive that might makes right and that only the haves deserve to have. But those mindsets are happily becoming less and less. It would be a depressing and thankless world if we were stuck with a nature that is changeless. Luckily, we are not. All that you describe is part of what will eventually evlove through human effort. As humanity becomes more "spiritualized" (not religionized) all you envision plus much more will become realized. Much to the chigrin of the Taliban and 700 Club.


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