New Light:
A very interesting topic. Thanks!
In my opinion, many JW`s do not understand what should really happen QUITE NOW, in this world-situation - where armageddon has come too late;-( They are waiting and waiting on "new light" that does not come, they are waiting and waiting on a devine sign of JHWH, they are waiting and waiting on destruction of Babylon the Great, and they are waiting and waiting on the intervention of Jehovah God that does not come. Sick of waiting years by years in vain, they get depressions and panic attacs.
What is really necessary in such a situation? 2. Chron. 20:17 tells us: "You will not need to fight in this instance. Take your position, STAND STILL, and see the salvation of Jehovah..." Is this the right manner how to behave today, or not? Yes, it would be the right way if we stood against an aggressor. If he comes heavily armed, and you stand alone, without any weapon, then its clear that you HAVE TO WAIT on JEHOVAS SALVATION !
But: what, if the aggressor is no aggressor anymore? What, if men who hated you, and who fighted against you, have given up their fight and fled? Do you think it would be better to wait until the men come back, because - after one week - they considered that their surrender was a failure, and they came back to the old hate again, and fight against you once more? Or, rather, do you think that it would be very much better to prevent by all means that they come to fight against you a SECOND TIME AGAIN - instead WAITING on JEHOVAS SALVATION until doomsday ?
Thats my opinion: Waitin` on JHWH`s salvation as long as you stand alone against an aggressor; but TAKING OWN POWER as soon as salvation just has happened, and the men surrendered! From this MOMENT we have to begin with the recovery of the paradise and with establishing a new righteous order! No minute too late! If not so, deep depressions, panic attacs and other mental and physical diseases would overwhelm all JW`s. I think its HIGH time to change our understandings...