Dear One: I think that you have misunderstood me. I do not accuse you of believing that God’s words are useless nor do I believe this either. You posted: “prophecy is revealed by Jehovah, not man.” I am in agreement with that statement and as a result I feel compelled to ask you why is it then that so many men are hell-bent on doing just that –trying to reveal prophecy? If that is God’s providence then why not allow him to do his job?
From your quote of 2 Pet. 1:20:
For you know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture springs from any private interpretation.
May I ask then why are you paying attention to ‘private interpretation’?
For prophecy was at no time brought by man's will, but men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit
These men that are ‘revealing’ these prophesies to you, are they being ‘borne along by holy spirit’? Are they speaking ‘from God’? If so then I think it’s only fair that some credentials be shown, credentials commensurate with the claims. If not, then they are merely opinions, and we seem to have plenty of these.
So, if you are trying to discredit the scriptures…
It never ceases to amaze (and amuse) me how when men are confronted with opposition to their theories about God and his purposes they immediately accuse their inquisitors of challenging God himself. It’s you, sir, that I challenge, not God. It is you who makes the claim of having this privileged insight into God’s Word and, unbidden, are trying to pass it off as divine revelation to those of us who have already had a belly full of guesses and second guesses.
I am grateful for your warning about the virtues of listening before speaking and I would like to reciprocate your kindness by reminding you of yet another warning from the Word.
Not many of YOU should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we shall receive heavier judgment. James 3:1 (NWT)
Realizing the tremendous responsibility (and accountability) placed upon those who step forward and presume to speak for God should be reason for pause. It should make one very careful about what he says for God holds him accountable for it. Jesus made that plain in his parable when he said: “Indeed, everyone to whom much was given, much will be demanded of him; and the one whom people put in charge of much, they will demand more than usual of him.” (Luke 12:48 -NWT)
Now, I for one, would appreciate your views concerning anything and everything that the Scriptures have to offer –as long as your opinions are stated as such, i.e. views and opinions. Speaking for myself only, however, I must tell you what I have already told others on these boards. I did not come here to sit passively and allow someone (with no more credentials than myself) to preach to me. I am not in your church nor do I wish to be.
Your words: “Don't be so quick to speak.” I have had my fill of remaining silent while someone else spoon fed me nonsense and I shall have no more of it. I shall speak each and every time I feel the need to do so. How dare you assume such authority as to be able to silence someone else.
Your quotation of John 18:37:” "Everyone on the side of truth listens to my voice." Please remember that the pronoun ‘my’ in this verse refers to Jesus and not to any man or group of men. You, (or your new found teachers) sir, are not Jesus nor have you paid the price that he did in order to merit the audience that he deservedly commands. By attempting to place yourself in association with that one you now occupy a very dangerous position. You had better be correct in everything that you say and do because if you do not, then you make him out to be a liar. He and his Father take a dim view of being reproached.
Your words: “Don't be so quick to condemn. You might find yourself actually a fighter against God.” I do hope that you are giving this very careful consideration. Again I must remind, be very careful and judicious with your claims for you could very well be called into an accounting for them.
…and with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out to YOU. (Matt 7:2 --NWT)
A parting note: Threats and fear are not effective tools in leading people to God. They have been tried for centuries and in the end they produce no lasting effects. Love is the key. True there are dire warnings of the penalties for disobedience but the judgment and sentence for disobedience is reserved for God and Jesus alone. No human has the right to wield these threats at his fellow man.
-Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-