The other day I was on the phone with this guy I met. I WAS planing to go out with him.
He mentioned he was going to church in my area so naturally I asked what religion are you. He said Christian, Non-Denominational. We made small talk about religion. He is a regular church-goer. Ok, no problem I thought. I said well since you will be in the area lets meet at this little bar I know of.He said no because he does not go to bars. So I asked why not and he said because he doesn't drink. He believes it is wrong and unchristian.
So I asked him if he practices pre-marital sex to which he answered yes.
I asked: Don't you think that is a little hypocritical?
He said no but he doesn't want to get into religion. Ok I said so lets meet at a restaurant. He agreed and I asked him if it would offend him if I ordered a drink.
He said no but then added if you were my wife I wouldn't want you to.
Freaking jerk!!! I just said to him "I'm sorry but you are not the kind of person I would like to date. I don't do the casual sex thing so there is no point in me going out with you."
He said: "ok bye."
Why the hell are people so damn hypocritical!!!!!
hypocrisy >noun (pl. hypocrisies) the practice of claiming to have higher standards or beliefs than is the case.
-ORIGIN Greek hupokrisis 'acting of a theatrical part'.