
by sandy 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sandy

    The other day I was on the phone with this guy I met. I WAS planing to go out with him.

    He mentioned he was going to church in my area so naturally I asked what religion are you. He said Christian, Non-Denominational. We made small talk about religion. He is a regular church-goer.

    Ok, no problem I thought. I said well since you will be in the area lets meet at this little bar I know of.

    He said no because he does not go to bars. So I asked why not and he said because he doesn't drink. He believes it is wrong and unchristian.

    So I asked him if he practices pre-marital sex to which he answered yes.

    I asked: Don't you think that is a little hypocritical?

    He said no but he doesn't want to get into religion. Ok I said so lets meet at a restaurant. He agreed and I asked him if it would offend him if I ordered a drink.

    He said no but then added if you were my wife I wouldn't want you to.

    Freaking jerk!!! I just said to him "I'm sorry but you are not the kind of person I would like to date. I don't do the casual sex thing so there is no point in me going out with you."

    He said: "ok bye."

    Why the hell are people so damn hypocritical!!!!!

    hypocrisy >noun (pl. hypocrisies) the practice of claiming to have higher standards or beliefs than is the case.
    -ORIGIN Greek hupokrisis 'acting of a theatrical part'.

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    ack sandy he sounds like a like dick too, but at least he was honest and you didn't have to waste time with him.

    since we are talking etomology, i wonder if there is a word for this...

    the practice of claiming to have lower standards or beliefs than is the case.

    i think that word would fit me.

  • codeblue

    Sandy: wow...I don't know of very many guys that are regular church goers and APPROVES of premarital sex......What a jerk!!! You encountered too many "red flags" with this guy just from conversation.

    Glad you didn't meet this guy.......he obviously lives by double standards and is NOT good relationship material.


  • cruzanheart

    Mental image of Ned Flanders mixed with a little Homer Simpson -- ack!


  • sandy
    Mental image of Ned Flanders mixed with a little Homer Simpson -- ack!

    LOL Nina that is funny.

    I am glad I didn't waste any time with this guy. It just annoys me how people can be so hipocritical.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    (((Sandy))) What a creepazoid! Good thing you "checked him out" via conversation first....and also good thing he was honest (tho oxy-moronic in his thinkability)

    Just think how much time you might have wasted if he weren't honest....at the first sign of anal-retentiveness or being judgMENTAL, all they'd see was *sshole and elbows goin' out da door (SLAM!!!)

    Frannie B

  • Odrade

    Bwahahaha! That's the funniest date wipeout I've heard in a long time! AAAGH! What a do-do. Aren't ya glad you didn't have to sit across the table from him for two hours? LOL!

  • Crazy151drinker

    Sandy, we can have sex and drink

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Yeah sounds pretty Hypocrittical (sp?) to me. At least you're smart enough to see that in advance.

    I work with a woman who is ubber-religious. She has the Jesus calendar on her desk, a cross on the wall next to her desk a bible on her desk. She always tells me how God talks to her and tells her what decisions to make. She wants to pray with me all the time in the office. This woman is the meanest most impatient woman when it comes to business. Every one of my lenders has told me they think she's crazy. She got really snotty with me a couple of months and said a VERY mean thing to me. I replied "is that anyway for a Christian to talk?" It shut her up really quick.

    Good luck Sandy with the dating scene. It takes some creeps to find some great ones. Some great ones are more compatible

  • sandy

    Sandy, we can have sex and drink
    Now that is my kind of date!!!

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