So the woman he's seeing is free to drink ...until she's married to him, then she must be like him. LOL he should be conducting bible studies!
by sandy 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Obviously Secret
Jerk. Totatlly don't like dudes actions sometimes. He only wants what he wants in his own weird world. Doubt he would never make a sacrafice or another person. Sickening.
***Sandy, we can have sex and drink
Ya got it backwards!
Ya drink FIRST-------- THEN play around! LOL!
Annie.................from the "old school".......(smile)
Reminds me of a couple I called on years ago, who were living together, not married, but very active "christians". They could argue the Trinity and the need to believe in it, quote scripture better than I could, but didn't see their hypocrisy. I pointed it out to them, and they just looked at each other, like they had no answer to that one, and I told them it had been lovely meeting them, and I never went back.
I always wondered how they rationalize that.
dunno...I think you can be christian without adhearing to all the tenants of the faith. IMO it's more about a personal faith and conviction.
BTW he did he said if you were his wife you COULDN'T drink or he would rather you didn't?
That man is a 'Head Case!' Don't they hear themselves when they speak??
...I think you can be christian without adhearing to all the tenants of the faith. IMO it's more about a personal faith and conviction.
I agree with you especialy when then 'tenants' are rooted in human thinking. -
Ya drink FIRST-------- THEN play around! LOL!
If you do that, then?especially if you?re a guy?it ?may not work.? If you want to do a drug first, then it should be cocaine. I myself would never want to try that stuff, but I did hear that it ?enhances? sex (the ultimate rush).
It doesn't enhance sex except that sometimes the guy can 'go' longer. It does not (at least in my experience) make for a more intense orgasm, just more 'staying power'. Unimportant in my books, really. ;)
Also, coke tends to make people extremely self-absorbed, not generally a desirable quality in a lover.