Peacocks are beautiful creatures. God made the males the most colorful and majestic. They strut around, because they are male, and their mating call sounds like.....A big fat crying infant!
I had a run in with a peacock when I was 12, a girlfriend of mine had two of them, her dad took them to the grand opening of their mini mart they were opening. I thought the peacocks remembered me, so I stooped down and called to the, a little girl about two came out of the store, saw the huge bird walking towards me and threw her popsicle at the male in terror.
Well that peacock ripped the crap out of me. Do you know they have "talon" like things on their wings, they are worse that fighting cocks. I was one messy bloody tore up 12 year old. I still have the scars in my scalp and two long ones on my legs. I rode home on my bike blinded by blood. My friends dad saw what happened and called my parents, saying he was so sorry, it was a horrible sight to behold, and he would pay for the doctors visit to have me stiched up.
My parents declined, they didn't believe in doctors, and my scars would be erased soon...LOL. But they did offer him a home bible study because he was the caring type that God would approve of. He declined, but I was told if I wanted to stay his daughters friend, I would have to start a study with her. She did, she lasted a year. She was a good friend, or maybe it was just the guilt of the scabs and later the scars her evil peacock did to me. And that I kept reminding her of... he he
Thanks Celtic, that was a great journey into my childhood I hadn't remembered in a while.
Have any more stories to share, maybe about crows or something???...