I was looking at Valis' thread and I agree that being insulting, provoking or rabid is out of order in ANY type of discussion. When people in general, anywhere, talk about religion or politics, it usually sets up sides. One of the things that Jehovah's Witnesses were not ALLOWED to do EVER, was to get involved in any type of political discussion. We were threatened with "disassociation" because we were not remaining "neutral". Now, we are "free". We CAN speak our opinions, our ideals, our beliefs. We are no longer under Watchtower control!..... YAY!! .....It is only fitting and NATURAL that we can now get together and voice our opinions on politics, sex, religion-----almost anything that was taboo for JWs to even THINK about! It's HEALTHY to be able to talk about politics because as Witnesses, we were told it was a sin. Personally, I've found that understanding all the different viewpoints is good for me because it exposes me to some ideas and views that I might not have considered before. People tend to be passionate about certain things that affect them personally. Politics is no different. I hope we will still be able to voice our opinions on all types of subjects as long as we follow the practical guidelines listed here, on this site.
Why I Think Politics SHOULD Be Considered Here
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
Typical Republican comments from a Commie looking for a Liberal sickle.
You made me belly-laugh again, Hillary!
Mini , i do agree with what you say but there has to be a line drawn when the opposing sides try to push their beliefs on another person . If there is a certain person you want to vote for ,you are now free to do so. As you and many on this forum were forced into a belief they now know was wrong, the pressure of someone elses thoughts and views being forced on them just makes a person take offence. If people want to discuss their views in a non threating manner that would be great but it seems to turn into ,i am right and you are wrong and that is not free thought.
Amen.....KLS......WOW look what the cat dragged in, Min I didn't realize you even posted here still
Hey Sheila! How are you doing?? Yeah, I usually post every day, a little something.
Doing fine....just hadn't seen you around at all. We've just been here a lil ducking and weaving
Maybe I read it wrong but I didn't think Valis was advocating not allowing ANY political debate, I think he was just fed up the the obsessive nature of some threads and posters. Personally I think it all comes down to knowing when you have hit the brick wall and continuing will only leave you brused and bleeding with the brick wall still firmly in place. Needless to say I'm beginning to think we have a lot of masocists here
I have to tell you that we SHOULD be able to discuss politics here. In a perfect world we definitely could.
Now, as it happens, I personally don't give a monkey's who thinks what about politics and who says what and who believes what. I find the subject of politics so boring that I just normally flick past the political threads.
But that's me. However, the guy who owns the forum feels very differently. Rightly or wrongly, he sees some threads as being nothing more than political propaganda, and when he senses this he gets quite pissy about it.
Now, as he is the forum owner AND get's very pissy about political threads, I would assume that it would be common sense not aggravate the lad unduly.
Post the political stuff elswhere is my advice to those who enjoy these discussions. You know it makes sense.
Problem solved!
Alex Trebeck to Minimus, uh, HELLO??? "could you phrase your topic as a question please, thank you".