Hello Michael,
Welcome to the board! You sound like a great guy. There are a lot of other cool people here, so I'm sure you'll make a lot of meaningful friendships.
if you guys have any advice in particular for someone just starting to deal with this stuff or if you did anything in particular when you went through it, i would REALLY appreciate it. thanks guys.
I've been out of the org since last September. It all kind of hit me in one day. At the time, I wasn't working or going to school, so after the initial euphoria wore off, I started to get a little depressed. On the one hand, I was reading a ton and learning things and seeing my horizons broaden by the minute. But on the other hand, I had almost no one to share them with. So for me, this site was really important. The first week I must have spent 40 hours or more online.
Also, I went to school briefly and then got a job again, which supplied peers and got me back on the long-term track I wanted to be on.
You seem like a strong writer. For me, writing about various experiences and transitions really helped. I don't do this much anymore, but in my early days, I used to post a lot of long, ponderous pieces here. It's cool, because it's like a journal, except you get feedback from intelligent people!
So welcome! I'll look forward to hearing from you in the future!
P.S. In case you're interested, here are a couple interesting posts from my past.
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/63627/1.ashx (The ultimate JW metaphor dream)
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/63475/1.ashx (The Jewish JW)
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/65121/1.ashx (My DA letter)