If none of you believe in organised religion then who is the "Faithful and Discreet slave" mentioned in the bible?
Organised Religion
by aud8 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You mean it's NOT the POPE!!!!!?????
Seriously, that's an interesting question.
Perhaps it is speaking of the clergy?
Maybe it's speaking of whomever deems themselves worthy of the role!
Well, does it necessarily have to be a specific group/individual/"class" ? It seems to me the descriptive nature of those verses is what's important - don't beat the fellow slaves right..
"It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
"slave" is singular not plural.
Matt 24:45-46
45 "Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?Gee. Ya think it might be talkin about heads of the household?
Here's a question:
WHO is the faithful and discreet slave? The first one to read those verses and apply it to themselves, or people who read them and apply it to themselves today?
And, if this person is even a person and is an IS and not a WAS, when did it become an IS and yet never become a WAS?
WAS it an IS before it became an IS? Was that faithful and discreet slave around when Jesus spoke those words? If not, then why did Jesus not ask: "who will be instead of "who is"?
Is it not conceivable that ANYONE reading those words and applying them out of the context of the parables inwhich they were entrenched could consider themselves the "faithful and discreet slave"?
A parable is a parable is a parable; NOT A PROPHESY!
No other parable is a prophecy. Why should this one be any different?
Ozzie"Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos -
Hello aud8,
The Lord told his disciples to "keep on the watch" because they do not know the hour in which the Master was arriving. This, as you can see, applies to all of us who are his disciples.
Luke 12:32-40
Then Peter asks him:
"Lord, are you saying this parable to us, OR TO ALL?"
And what was his answer?
"Who REALLY IS the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master WILL appoint over his household (check your Greek) to keep giving them food in due season?"
yes, who?
"Happy is that slave, if his master ON ARRIVING finds him doing so. Amen I say to you, , he will appoint him over ALL his belongings."
Has the Master arrived yet?
It says in the event that the Master arrives, the slave that "said in his heart 'My master delays' " will be punished and "cut in two" and will have his part assigned with the hypocrites and unfaithful ones. He will be beaten with many strokes.
Luke 12:46, 47
Tell me, did that happen yet? Obviously then, the Master has NOT arrived yet. Also, Paul says,
"for as often as you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord UNTIL HE ARRIVES."
1 Corinthians 11:26
Paul simply said "until he arrives" and in Luke, Jesus simply said "until the Master arrives."
Now, the Lord said although the world would no longer behold him, his disciples would behold him, and because he lives, his disciples will live.
John 14:18, 19
This occured immediately after his resurrection and CONTINUED down to this day, and WILL continue, like he said, "until the consumnation of the age" or "conclusion of the system of things." During this time that he is with his disciples, his disciples behold him, hear him, talk to him, just like they did while he was on the earth. The difference, only his disciples could behold him. The world could not.
Matthew 28:20
The only other "arrival" mentioned is when after tribulation when the "sign of the Son of Man APPEARS IN HEAVEN and he comes on the clouds with the angels having GREAT GLORYand all the tribes of the earth beat themselves."
It is THIS arrival in which he "gathers his chosen ones" and he reveals not only the true 'sons of God' but also his "faithful slave" who has been giving "true food, and true drink" to the household.
John 6:55
1 Corinthians 11:26
Romans 8:19It is also this event where the wicked servant is "cut in two" and assigned with the hypocrites.
The 'household' of God, of whom this servant gives "true food and true drink" to, is made up of the sons of God. It is no building, no religion, just ones who are truly led by God's spirit and thus, are God's sons. "We are the HOUSE of that One."
Romans 8:14
Hebrews 3:6The household is made up of those who are 'anointed by his holy spirit' and because of that BELONG to Christ. Such ones eat the "true food and true drink" which is "the true food that came down from heaven so that ANYONE may eat of it and NOT die."
John 6:50-55
And this servant will be revealed when our Master arrives IN HIS GLORY to give according to each one INDIVIDUALLY his reward.
Peace to you,
Aaron -
Just as our Lord did not set up an "organized church," but walked from village to village declaring the good news about the kingdom in heaven, so also those who belong to him do not "belong" to an organized church, but go forth declaring good news about the kingdom IN heaven from village to village.
They "are" the church and are 'scattered about' the earth. They do not have a building of which they "meet" in, because they do not "practice their righteousness before men" and also because their body is the temple, and holy spirit lives inside them.
It is this "temple" that they enter to behold the face of the Holy One of Israel, because the holy spirit that lives IN them, makes it possible.
They don't worship physicaly in a building, but rather "in spirit and in truth."
Peace to you,
Aaron -
Kes 152-
Well then why does it say in the bible "Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together"??