The Day "Rebellion" Happened in Bethel

by metatron 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • apostate


    I love your posts, but I hate to highlight, copy and paste you URL's into the address box of my web browser.

    Did you know if you start a new line with space followed by the URL starting with http:// like this:

    makes them clickable.

  • Farkel


    : I love your posts, but I hate to highlight, copy and paste you URL's into the address box of my web browser.

    Would you also like free fries with that? Can I rake your yard, too? I'll bring the rake. Hell, I'll even bring the yard, if you don't have one!

    You lazy whining wuss.


  • ozziepost

    G'day metatron,

    Thanks for the post. Do you think the borg can be reformed? Indeed, do you want it to be?

    The way it seems to me, if you cut out (reform) all the bad bits, you'd be left with something akin to any other Christian denomination. Now we don't want that, do we? Or do we?


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    a good post. I think one of the latest
    informations comes from the km/ june 2001 pp. 3-6, " Can you
    make yourself avalaible?" and it deals mainly, with the work
    at the Bethel,...blessing of Bethel service, requirements
    for Bethel service, Current needs " primarily for single
    brothers" etc. etc.

    A very interesting one,

    Agape, J.C.MacHislopp

  • metatron

    Thank you, Farkel and co. for the kind thoughts.
    God speed on your work of exposure. Patience , in
    this area, is difficult but I guess the right moment
    hasn't come yet.

    The June 2001 KM is interesting historically because
    if you're familiar with Bethel history, it ought to be
    evident that entrance standards are sliding downhill.
    While "preference is given to those who are regular
    pioneers", it should be plain that they have very few of
    those willing to volunteer.

    Calling in single brothers, who are simply GOOD PUBLISHERS,
    and BAPTISED FOR A YEAR, must give the Society fits!
    Institutional life , like Bethel, is often difficult to
    adapt to. I can testify that calling brothers into Bethel
    who barely know 'what the truth is' creates headaches.
    Some of you may know that they changed the Bethel questionaire
    years back to reflect the fact that so many brothers
    were compromised physically by illegal drug use.
    Try running a disciplined organization with recent ex-
    potheads or dudes having Orange Sunshine flashbacks!
    ("dang, man , I can't find my copy of Penthouse!")

    Brother Knorr really hated Californians!


  • Moxy

    can anyone show us a current bethel questionnaire?

    the last one i saw had pointed question about the kinds of music you listened to, like rap, that i found kind of insulting.


  • ozziepost

    The question about rap music was because the "brothers" were concerned that inviting someone into Bethel who might play that kind of music would didturb the peace and quiet of others.

    Or to put it another way, parents never could understand their kids' choice of music. That's been going on for thousands of years. Literally! Archaeologists have dug up inscriptions evidencing that.


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • Dogpatch

    Thanks apostate,
    Tho I am not supposed to talk to apostates, I will try your suggestion...

  • metatron

    Well, ozzie I don't think it would be too bad if they
    ended up as an inoffensive Protestant sect. Hoping that
    a pitch-fork wielding torchlight procession storms
    their castle and lynches the lot of 'em isn't realistic.
    Take away all the quirky unsupported doctrine and there
    ain't much left!


  • Maximus

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