Yeah that's us again. Another blow out, again on the front, but his time I was driving. But just three miles from the Bad Lands State Park .
This time it only took three hours because we had picked up a spare in Nashville. So another hour or two down the road we found another big truck tire dealer who put a new tire on the front so now we have two new tire, now more front blowouts
All this was actually a couple of days ago so now that we are online again I'm trying to catch up.
As to the bad lands, they are called that because the are BAD lands. No place to live.
Day 11, What's So BAD about Dakoda's Bad Lands.
by jst2laws 13 Replies latest jw friends
Did you drive down into the badlands? The saloon that Wild Bill Hichcock was murdered in, don't miss it. are you planning on stopping at Custer and then going up to Little Big Horn in Montana, Sturgust, have a good time and enjoy yourself.
Great pictures Jst2laws. By the way, your title says "Dakoda" ... I am sure you meant to write "Dakota." - Jim W.
PS: If you want to see some really "bad" lands ... try the moon scape of Idaho ... not only does no one live there, but you can't build there.
The answer is yes to each of your questions, I will put up our adventure in Deadwood Monday, and probably tuesday an unusual report on Custer and little bighorn. It was not what I expected.
You are right, I think the Bad Lands is relative to what you have around it. Dakota (or Dakoda ) has some nice landscape other than the bad lands.
I may scan the pic of my families visit to the badlands..hmm I'm 3 or so and we drove across country 4 in a back seat of a suicide door lincoln (PINK IF YOU CAN IMAGINE) The look on our face (me and three teenage siblings) is priceless.....we expected well SOMETHING after the long ride not just desolate NOTHINGNESS LOL
Big Tex
Steve, I'm glad to hear you guys got two new tires. It sounds like you need them! Reading your journey makes me appreciate how difficult traveling across the country was 100-150 years ago. I can't imagine how they did it.
Give Joy a big howdy and drive safe.
So, how WERE those buffalo hot dogs? Taste like chicken?
Are you guys going to be anywhere the Donner Pass in your travels? I read the book about that and the wagon wheel ruts are supposed to still be there after almost 100 years. I think I read something a few years back that the last living survivor of the Donner Pass had died.
I can only imagine what the pioneers of the last century had to go through in their quest of the American dream.
Please continue to keep us I love travel and history.
Big Tex,
I agree. Monday I will post a catchup on events in the Black hills and north on the crow reservation. But so much was happening and yet no one was complaining that going from Sturgis to Deadwood was a terrible trip up a mountain gulch. All I worry about was keeping the coach on the road at 45 mph while watching my temperature gage. Those people inched along on rocks with wooden wagons pulled by four to six horses or mules at about two miles per hour.
Very iteresting. We may come home through Canada. How far north is this area?
Joy had a buffalo burger in Deadwood (more details Monday). She said she could not tell the difference from beef.