this thread was about evolution not first causes.
Maybe I’m more curious about that. I still believe in ID. For me it’s ludicrous to believe otherwise. Because we can’t comprehend that God didn’t have a beginning, we dismiss it? I understand that the universe is approx 10 to 20 billion years old; that a big bang happened, that the earth is approx 4 billion years old. I can accept that with the knowledge we have at the present moment. The thing that puzzles me is how someone can believe that this all happened by chance. There was a big explosion. What was the reason for this explosion? And all the planets aligned properly? Well obviously it did or we wouldn’t be here. I don’t believe in chance. I do have a large book on biology which I bought last year but never really opened it up. There is just too much to read in this world so one has to limit himself or he would go crazy for sure, and there is a life to live besides reading. The interesting thing I noticed is that those who believe in evolution alone, do seem only interested in the mechanics of it. I feel I asked a number of relevant questions but none of them, I believe, were answered.
Below I did quote a number of people. If you want these people names I will pm you.
As for Darwin's theory of"macro-evolution"-that we came from apes-Initially troubling to me was the the paucity of fossil evidence for the transitions between various species of animals. Even Darwin conceded that the lack of these fossils "is perhaps the most obvious and serious objection" to his theory, although he confidently predictedthat future discoveries would vindicate him.
We are now about one hundred and twenty years after Darwin and the knowledge of the fossil record has been greatly expanded. We now have a quarter of a million fossil species, but the situation hasn’t changed much...We have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition that we had in Darwin’s time What the fossil record does show is that in rocks dated back some five hundred and seventy million years, there is the sudden appearance of nearly all the animal phyla, and they appear fully formed, "without a trace of the evolutionary ancestors that Darwinists require. It’s a phenomenon that points more readily toward a Creator than Darwinism. In his book Origin of Species, Darwin
side-tracked-Beethovens 9 th Symphony just came on-and you say there is no God-who, what inspired him, what inspired Dvorak to write New World Symphony, Schubert-Ava Maria-if God doesn’t exist, thank goodness they believed otherwise, or we wouldn’t be enjoying their music.
Continue: Darwin admitted: "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, then my theory would absolutely break down". Taking up that challenge, ----showed how recent biochemical discoveries have found numerous examples of this very kind of "irreducible complexity."
Biological evolution can only take place after there was some sort of living matter that could replicate itself and then grow in complexity through mutation and survival of the fittest.
Where did life begin in the first place? The origin of life has intrigued theologians and scientists for centuries. The most amazing thing to me is existence itself, How is it that inanimate matter can organize itself to contemplate itself?
Darwin’s theory presupposes that nonliving chemicals, if given the right amount of time and circumstances, could develop by themselves into living matter. Is there scientific data to back up that belief?
This is not a case of religion versus science, rather, this is an issue of science vs science. More biologists, biochemists, and other researchers-not just Christians-have raised serious objections to evolutionary theory in recent years, claiming that its broad inferences are sometimes based on flimsy, incomplete, or flawed data. What looks at first blush like an airtight scientific case for evolution begins to unravel upon closer examination. New discoveries during the past thirty years have prompted an increasing number of scientists to contradict Darwin by concluding that there was an Intelligent Designer behind the creation and development of life. The result of these cumulative efforts to investigate the cell-to investigate life at the molecular level-is a loud, clear, piercing cry of "design".
The conclusion of intelligent design flows naturally from the data itself-not from sacred books or sectarian beliefs...The reluctance of science to embrace the conclusion of intelligent design...has no justifiable foundation...Many people, including many important and well-respected scientists, just don’t want there to be anything beyond nature.
Obviously I don't have most of the answers. I am on a journey like all of us. But the bottom line, the more I look into it, the more I believe and am in awe of God. (Hopefully while typing this I didn't make any mistakes) I'm off to enjoy the day, might be back tonight.